Saturday 9 July 2011

Saturday Stuff

This Saturday started out just as I planned it to when I went to bed last night, I decided to take a friend's advise.  I slept in, giving myself permission to be lazy and just relax, not have to get up to be doing stuff. Hoping it would help to lift mne out of this mood I have allowed myself to wallow in of late. I slept in, ate breadkfast late and then sat on the veranda and consumed half a pot of coffee in the cool morning breeze. All of this before I even thought of getting at doing anything. It was a wonderful. lazy, easy morning.

Once I got moving I did do somethings that have needed to be done. I put frosted film over the bathroom window upstairs. No one can see in it but it unnerves my company when they use the facilities and the window is uncovered ( I live in a city). So now all modesty is protected and the window is frosted over. I also finally fixed the catches on the kitchen hutch doors. They close now and stay closed. (I love my power drill )and I love the fact that I no longer walk into the kitchen to see the doors are gaping open and all the horrors they hide out on display for all to see.

I finally got the material cut out for making the grandbaby's bumper pads but I got stumped because I can not find the paper where I have the measurements written down. I am stuck. I don't want to go foreward and find out that they are too short.  I have placed an emergency phone call to Mommy and am waiting for information. Stuck on one thing, best get onto other projects. I washed the backing for the Carpenter and Busy's quilt and while it sloshed away in the machine I finished my super secret project.  It is  tucked safely away to be revealed at a later date.

I then got at it and finished the last blocks for this quilt. Its actually for me, for the red bedroom. Finally a quilt that will adequately cover two people and will eliminate any fighting for blanket coverage when folks come to visit. I love the loud crazy colours. It makes me happy just to look at it. I need to decide on a name for it though, every quilt needs a name. Its folded in half if you are wondering about me loosing my mind and thinking its wide enough to cover up two people. It actually measures 80 by 80 inches. Most adequate for a double bed.

This is the quilt I have been yapping on and on about. The one for the Carpenter and Busy. It started out its life for me but it is perfect for their spare room and they really do need a proper sized quilt for that bed. Its more golden that it appears in the picture and its lovey. Its 100% cotton and just a dream to work with. The needle slides though it like butter. This barn raising log cabin pattern is one of my favorites. I tend to like traditional quilt patterns on the whole. Once it is quilted I promise a better picture of the whole quilt.

Thank goodness I managed to scrounge around and get enough material for the pillow shams. They were not in the original plans when the quilt was going to live with me. I had to hunt and steal and fudge my way around but I came up with enough squares for two shams. So I have started to quilt those and am enjoying it to no end. I have spent a lovely quiet afternoon in front of the television, sewing and quilting away. A very sort of Linda day.

Its now supper time. I am taking a little break, having a bite to eat then get back at the shams. Tomorrow I hope to piece together the backing for the red room quilt. I really do need a name for it.


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