Friday 8 July 2011

Finally Friday

At last, Friday is here and the work week has fallen away and two days of freedom loom large and welcoming before. Oh Miss Crankypants is still stomping her little feet and pitching a ridiculous hissy fit, I am still tired and cranky and feeling totally defeated but and here is the bonus of being a Gemini. You get to be fractured, you are more than just one person, you have alters that can take over. So while the baby is rolling on the floor having a tantrum your other self can take over and present a different face to the public. That is what is happening here at the homestead right now, while Crankypants does her thing, "get over it and get on with it" will get on with the business of doing housework, getting on with the quilting projects and doing odd jobs around the house. Staying home, not spending any money and being productive in the looming presence of the Problem.

SO tomorrow, I will wake to no alarm clock ( choir of angels sing), make breakfast, get at doing what household chores need to be done and then settle myself into the sewing room for a weekend of quilting, quilting, quilting. That will settle my mind and my heart. It won's change anything but I will be better able to deal.

Tonight it was out for supper with the No Cook Friday group and we always have a great time. Good food, good friends, good conversation, so many laughs. Its a wonderful way to end the week. Yes it would be wonderful to have some nice man taking me out for supper but since that is not happening I am not going to sit at home mopping about that as well. I have enough stuff to mope about so if I can avoid some its a plus. I spend enough time alone thankyouverymuch, so we started the No Cook Friday group. We do not have limits on who can join us, if you can't be there, that's ok, we are very informal. We go somewhere different each week for supper and then to Tim Horton's for coffee and chatting. It lifts my spirits at the end of the week Its a very good thing AND I have made some new friends because of it. All my life I have been blessed with finding really good friends.

Now it is time for me to haul my carcass up the stairs and tuck myself into my bed. Tomorrow is full of possibilities and things that need to be done.


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