Wednesday 26 September 2012

UFO's Have Taken Over My House

Before you get all panicky or start thinking I have lost what little mind I have left, I am not talking the little green men kind of UFO, the Un Finished Object kind. They are everywhere. I have always sort of known that they lurked around every corner but with my usual pigeon hole style of ignoring things I do not wish to think about, I have pushed them off to the blurry edges of my reality and gone on my merry way. However tonight as I am doing my impression of a cleaning maniac, I have had to acknowledge them, stare them in the eye, gasp in horror and hang my head in shame. Blargh!!!! I need to get this under control.

So what do I do when I have to make a plan, take charge, win back some sense of normality? Well I made a list. (Surprise!!) then I pinned it beside my computer on a very teeny bulletin board I have and I have promised myself that I am going to start working on these things after Thanksgiving and I am going to get them under control. Unfinished projects mean stuff piled up waiting to be used, which means, mess and clutter and I am determined to purge my house of as much of this as I can.

I don't know if its the coming of fall or what, but I want to get things organized, purge out the crap and make it look tidier. Tonight I have been cleaning, I have been going like mad and it still is not done but I am gaining ground. I finally got that little metal cabinet that rode around in my car for a week and a half, put into the spot I wanted it to be in. It works well because now the odds and ends are hidden behind a door.

Yes I know its a cupboard sitting in front of another cupboard but I need the storage space right now and the little cabinet is very easy to slide out of the way. The things in the other cabinet I do not use a lot and its on the list of places to get purged. I had a three tiered metal table thing here but I have moved it into the living room. I will show that in another post.

I love this little cabinet. I will in time paint it and put new handles on it. I think I have the perfect one in my stash of door handles. It came from the home of a dear friend and I will treasure it. It holds a multitude of sins.

So I cleaned tonight, I was a whirling dervish. I whirled, I dervished, and still I am not done. Crap. I had hoped to get off work early today, I did lunch duty but with a meeting and people coming and asking for stuff, I could not get away. I am hoping now to get away early on Friday.  On the up side I may not have gotten off early but I have got the laundry finished. I have also managed to fill a garbage bag with junk from the laundry room. I have 3/4 of the kitchen table cleared off and I made my UFO list. Now I am having a break and once I am done this I will tackle the  dishes. I have gathered some things to take to a charity shop for donation and I have a load of recycling to go out. Not bad but it could be better.

I have taped Modern Family and I will for sure be watching that before I go to bed. I love that show. I was late coming around to watching it but its one of my favourites now. Well my break must be over. I need to hit the dish pan then watch Modern Family, hang up the laundry, make the spare bed and then go to bed myself.

Piece of Cake!!


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