Monday 17 September 2012

Peebles Girl's Reunion Weekend

I had the best weekend this past weekend. It was 43 years in the making and was so much fun. Long, long, long ago I moved to a little town called Peebles and started to school in a grade with 5 other little girls. Sadly shortly after I moved there, one of our classmates died of a burst appendix and then in our teens another of our number was killed in a car accident and then there were four. I was only there for grades 3,4 and 5, then my Dad's job took us away and life went on. H moved away when she was a teenager so only B & L stayed together until grade 12.

H and I have kept in touch over the years, I did with B somewhat but lost track of her over time. L and I never did exchange letters but I did see her once in high school. Thanks to Facebook we found each other again, scattered to the winds but we managed to get in touch once more after all these years. We have not all been in the same place for 43 years, well that is until this weekend.

This weekend H was back to move her Mom home to live with her and her husband. When I heard about it I planned to go and see her on the weekend. I was not sure when I would get another chance. H and B got chatting on Facebook and B said she could come for supper at least.  L lives very close to where we all would be, so hey presto, several facebook messages later and we had the Peebles Girls Reunion planned out. Oh the excitement! I could hardly stand it, I felt like a kid a Christmas. I was up and on the road at 6:30 am on Saturday morning.

So finally our weekend rolled around, I was ready, I had wanted to take a gift with me but did not know what. Then a friend made a suggestion as to a gift I could take and I ran with the basic idea. Pretty soon I had the perfect little gifties for the girlies.

I had to pull my house apart to organize these gifts, but finally I found all I needed, and Walmart cooperated and had them ready in record time. Keeping my mouth shut until I actually got to give the gifts was not an easy thing for me to do. Here they are:

Yes that is us, the four of us, all 10 years old and cute as buttons in the only school pictures we had taken while I was going to school there. You know you have the right gift when you can make three grown women squeal and giggle like they were 10years old again as they open them.  When I first ordered them I thought it would take 3 weeks to get them but they were here in 24 hours and I was so pleased with how they came out. I was beyond thrilled that I managed to find the pictures after all this time. I would have been hooped if I could not have laid my hands on them

Fast foreward and here we are now. Older, wiser, and like fine wine so much better with age. We had a lovely time. So much talking, so much catching up. We talked and talked and talked. Memories came back that had been forgotten as we caught up on each other and everyone else we could think of. We also found out a few things that some of us never knew. Teen age antics came to light and were either giggled or blushed over. I heard names I had totally forgotten, heard about things I no longer remembered. It was the best, just the very best. The only thing I regret is that we did not have more time together.

We have decided that we cannot leave it as long again before we get together again. If we do we may not know who we are let alone who anyone else is. Right now the tentative idea is that in two years we will do this all again for a longer period of time. One day was not enough to say and do all we wanted to say and do.

I was so grateful that everyone made the effort to be there. I will treasure my lovely hand made scarf, enjoy my homemade pure maple syrup and treasure my new memories. I have more pictures of course but those are just for us. (I see some scrapbooking in my future). I had such a good time and cannot wait until our next reunion.

I stayed until Sunday and H came and stayed with me at the hotel. It gave us more time to talk. B had to work the next day so she had to leave right after supper. I did some shopping while I was there, there is an excellent quilt shop there. H and I did a lot more talking and all in all it was an excellent two days. I am sure I will share my purchases at a later date because most of them involve more crafty projects that I am hoping to do.

I also cannot tell how happy I was that I did not have to get up and go to work this morning. I have one more day off and then I have to go back to work. I have missed my work friends, of that there is no doubt but I have not missed the work, nor have I had any urge to go back. Those lottery people really need to get me my retirement fund.


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