Tuesday 5 March 2013

Winter's Last Tantrum

If I remember rightly Sunday the snow started to fall. Then on Monday it picked up speed and wind and became a proper blizzard . By the time work was done on Monday I could not get my car anywhere near my house to park it. I had to leave it a block away and hope for the best. Slowly and carefully I waded my way through knee high snow drifts, managing to plant myself, face first into a snow bank, only once on the journey. I am amazed I managed to get up again. Getting up off the floor/ground at the best of times is not an east task for me. Having nothing to lean on was an experience but I managed to raise myself back up onto my feet. So I go home and got out the shovel. That night I managed to shovel the front walk and the sidewalk infront of my house. I have a tiny lot and once again I was grateful, I was pooped by the time this was done.

Where the walk way is, the snow was level with what is in the yard. Same with the front side walk. It does not really look like it in the picture but we have more snow on our side of the street. It would easily be over the wheel wells of the car. There is one rut down the center of the road and you could not get off it, the snow is too thick and heavy. Once I was done with the front, I opted to stop shoveling and stay in the house, moaning and groaning about how tired I was, seriously lamenting the fact that there is not one snowblower on our block!! I was scared to look at the back yard, so I ignored it for a bit.

After a rest, some hot supper and a cup of tea, I got brave and looked out back. Crap, crap, crappity crap. This is as far as I could get the door open.

This is the back step which is two steps up from ground level. The snow beyond the door is so nice and level and pristine looking isn't it. I got brave,  looked up and out and saw this: This lovely, flat, level shelf of snow.

That line you see is closer to the fence than it looks. It totally covers the sidewalk and as I was to find out at 6:00 am this morning, is waist deep. Four shovel fulls , starting at waist level, to get down to the ground. Last night I shut the door and went and had another cup of tea.

Off to bed early and then up with the chickens to do a spot of shoveling. Using brute force I managed to get out the back door and got stuck in. In short order (hah!!) with a decent amount of elbow grease, (ugh!!) the back door and path looked like this:

I wanted to go back to bed. I went to work but I really wanted to go back to my soft warm bed. I am not good on the long haul shoveling  I get tired, my  back hurts, I get sweaty, then my glasses fog up and I can't see. I am a delicate flower. I was glad that I did what I did this morning, as I had to shovel my parking spot after work. My car is parked there but I have my doubts if I will get out in the morning. Lots and lots of ruts in the alley. The thing is, in this section of town, the alleys are narrow, the yards small and there simply is no place to put the snow. I did not take pictures of the parking spot but it took the best part of an hour to shovel it out. I am glad to say that at least my car is parked on my own patch again.

I am going to bed early today again. I am tired, and chilly. That chill you get when you have been out in the cold too long and you feel like your very innards are frosted up. Tea is not taking it away so I think I need to snuggle down under the flannel sheets and the quilts and wait to get toasty again.

Yep I am a delicate flower!!


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