Saturday 16 March 2013

Saturday Stuff and the Odd Rant

Once again the week got away from me and its Saturday already and I haven't blogged since Monday. I have no excuse that most of you have not heard before. Its the same old same old. Busy, lazy, blah blah blah. Whatever, it is what it is and here we are at Saturday once again.

Highlight of the week for me personally was that I got to the 2 km mark walking. I had to have a couple of small breaks the day I did it but I managed the twelve rounds that was required. I am going to stay there for a while, let my body adjust and then start to increase the distance again. My ultimate goal is to get back to the 3 miles I was walking before so I am aiming for 30 round. Me poor old knees ache at the thought but I am not paying any attention to them. They can howl all they want, I have Ireland on my mind. Another highlight was I was presented with my 25 years of service plaque at work. Its 7 years late but I was happy to get it. Why is it late, well we got reshuffled a while back and somethings got lost in the details. I will be up for a 30 year one fairly soon. We are a dying breed we long term employees. No one seems to stay at the same job for years anymore. I got a lovely letter from the Minister thanking me for my loyal service to the people of this province. Made me smile.

Today the sun is shining, its freakin' cold but the sun is out. Tomorrow we are supposed to get a bucket load of snow but for now, right this moment, its sunny and I am happy. I did my running around this morning, errands, groceries and here is where a rant comes in. What is with people who are in line behind you at the check out and just keep inching closer and closer, crowding you, almost but not quite pushing you out of the way???? Honestly people what is your deal?? Are ya scared some insanely skinny person is suddenly going to appear in that 6 inch space between us and kick you out of line??? Do you think pushing your way into my arm pit will magically make everything happen faster so you can get to your turn that millisecond faster???  That I will step out of the way and let you go instead of me?? Well I got news for you darlin', I am not moving until I am finished. Nope, not gonna budge until I havemy cart emptied and still not until my money or cards are back into my purse and am totally ready to move onY you can inch all you want, I AM NOT BUDGING!! In fact the closer you get,the pushier you are, the less likely I am to fo any faster than I have to. Stay  out of my personal space, unless you are prepared to buy me dinner and a movie, don't get all up in my bidness!! Just sayin. OHHHHH that irks me!!

I treated myself to a coffee out and then I came home. Quick breakfast and I have been cleaning, organizing and putting away ever since. I have a big "to do" list this weekend, nothing that is going to take ages but they all need to be done. Today I have been puttering away at it. The recycling and garbage are out in the dumpsters. Whoot!!, the dishes are done and my poor fingers are still pruney. I made these:

12 handmade thank you cards that I was supposed to make last weekend but I didn't. I just need to find the envelopes for them. I swear I bought some but I will be danged if I can find them. Such is my life in this house. The constant pursuit of the unlocated item that I know is in here somewhere.

I got some pictures hung. When I asked my co-workers daughter to paint these I was hoping for green trees in both pictures, not identical but those colours and those lovely round trees. Not overly taken with the southwest colours of the second painting but I hung it up anyway. I may change it some time but for now it will do. I also hung up the smoke detector which has been off the wall for some time but for some reason I did not think that little feat was picture worthy. I don't know about you but it amuses me to no end the the green trees have sky on the bottom and green on the top. Its like they are is some strange upside down land. I think my young artist made a mistake but I love it.

This is what pulled at me all day though. I caved and spent most of the evening happily working away on this and watching DIY tv. I am closing in on finishing it. This quilt is overdue and I am so very glad to be on the downhill slide with it.

Chanel quilting is one of my favourites quilting patterns. Its easy, unfussy and gives you bang for your buck. (Oh lovely I forgot to take the cat blankets off the couch and chair before I took the picture. Oh well too late now and anyone who reads this blog know about her Majesty). I could sit and quilt for hours. Its my joy. My Grandmothers both quilted and I think I got it from them. It appeals to me on so many levels, it recycles, its creative, its individual (every pattern is a little different looking depending on who is making it), its practical, its decorative and well I could go on and on and on. My Mom was the one who actually helped me learn to quilt and the last big project we did together the year she died was work on a double wedding ring quilt for my oldest niece's wedding gift.

I can't sit here any longer, I can hear it calling my name from the living room. I will bid you good night and I am headed back to hoop and thread.


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