Saturday 2 March 2013

Saturday Stuff

No barking dog this morning, a sign that its going to be a good day. Sometimes when I post this sort of thing I think people are going to think I don't like dogs. I do. Personally, I do not have the time or energy to be a good dog owner, so I do not have one but I can certainly see the appeal of a dog  to other people. Dogs make noise and bark and need to be outside. They are living beings. They need to run and play and enjoy life. They need to be loved, cared for and treated with respect. I just do not want to have to be woken up early in the morning by a sad doggie, howling his displeasure to the world. He could be happily barking his head off right now, I would not mind nearly as much as I do at 7:00 or 8:00 am in the morning.

'Nuff said about the dog, moving on. Up and out the door in a decent time this morning, hit the drugstore, the grocery store, the hardware store and the coffee shop. Finally won a free donut on the roll-up the rim!! Go Me!!  I came home, stashed all the stuff in its proper place, then tackled the house cleaning. Getting the place back in shape took most of the afternoon but it was totally worth it. I like a tidy house. I am not always the best at keeping it that way but I like it to look nice. Things are back in order except for the sewing table. Its piled with papers that need sorting, purging and filing. I will tackle it after supper maybe.

I am sorry I did not get to the fabric store today but I have it on my list for tomorrow. I want to get the material for backing a quilt as they are having a big sale right now. If the quilt was for me I would be tempted to piece together a backing but its a donation quilt and I want to have it a solid colour. Flannelette, so it is snuggly and warm and will stay on the bed.

I need to do my income tax as well, but I also need to get a new printer and I may as well to that next weekend. I need to be able to print a copy out for myself and I like to do it all at one time. I paid so little for my current printer, the replacement ink cartridge costs almost the same. I miss having a scanner so I am going to change printers. I will donate this one someplace or recycle it. It is so sad to me that we live in such a disposable age. At least I can recycle this one.

I have one puppet left to make on my last order and I cannot seem to make myself even start it. The lady wants a hummingbird and I am stumped as to how to go about it. I feel I cannot make it the way I make the others, hummingbirds are tiny and it would be way too big. I cannot get the picture of it in my mind. Once I do that the pattern will come to me but for now I have crocheters block. I will, however, finish the mitts I have almost completed for DC, tonight. At least, I will have the knitting part done, then I just need to get the mini gloves to sew into the inside. I am hoping to get them to DC on Monday. While I am knitting I will be busy pondering my hummingbird dilemma and hoping that I get hit with a creative idea.

I treated myself to the final Twilight move DVD this morning. I have seen all the others and have them on DVD so it seemed silly to not complete the set. It was on sale at the drugstore so I will watch that tonight. I will watch what I can see of it around Minou's  head. You remember like this:

I will not be ignored

It has been a quiet day here but a very productive one. I have manged to do most of the things I had planned to do this weekend. Crossing things off my current "to do" list is something that always makes me happy. As I posted on Facebook this week, my intentions are always to do better but my willingness does not always get the memo. A true Gemini, me. I keep trying though, I think that is my saving grace.

Right now its time for lunch or a nap. I am favouring a nap and then I can hang out until supper.


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