Monday, 27 October 2014

Moody on a Monday

Best Friend was here for the weekend. We did a lot of talking, but then we always do. She and I can talk. We have known each other for years and we have yet to run out of stuff to chat about. We had a lazy weekend, stayed around the house mostly, watched tv and dvd's and talked. Its always good to see her. As usual the house is empty and quiet now she is gone. She left just before I headed out to work this morning.

So she left and I went to work and thereby another week started. I will be so happy when I am able to retire, and not have to face anther month end at my office. I am getting too old and tired to be playing this game anymore.

I spent most of today being cranky and out of sorts. I don't know if I need a vacation or a slap upside the head but I do need something. I cannot keep being this miserable and not doing anything about it. I think I need a miracle.

Right now I need to go and do some mending for some work friends. I sat down here to  blog and now I feel I have nothing to say. So I will go and sew, At least that will accomplish something.

I will be back when I am in a better mood.


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