Tuesday 1 July 2014

Canada Day Stuff

HAPPY CANADA DAY!! The sun is shining the rain has gone away, lawn mowers are purring all over the neighbourhood. Its a lovely lovely day. Nice breeze blowing, birdsong floats on the breeze, no bugs are out and about. Big Sigh of relief. We did not need any more water!! Too many basements have been turned into indoor pools already. Yesterday I was sure Noah and the Ark were going to sail by at any moment. Its been a wet few days here.

In-spite of the rain,I have had a wonderful four days off. I am rested, renewed and refreshed. I have slept in, done little to nothing that NEEDED to be done, accomplished some things that were hanging about and generally just enjoyed my time off. This morning I was just deciding to get up and debating whether I would go out and pick up breakfast or would I make something here when Teddy Bear called to see if she could talk me into coffee. Twist went my rubber arm and I was up, dressed and out the door in short order. It fact I got to the coffee shop before she did for once!! We had breakfast, coffee, chatted and it was so nice.She is one of the one's with a pool in her basement. Poor thing, she was tired from shop vaccing, and moving and hauling, she needed a break. Its not as bad as it has been in the past but its still a lot of work.

We parted company after two cups of rejuvenation and verbally setting the world to rights. I came home and for some reason decided I needed to wash all the cat blankets. I try to keep my furniture covered as much as I can because she is a hairy little beast, who loves to smear soft fur all over my house, no matter how much I clean and vacuum. I have let the blankets pile up so today they hit the washer. I had to peel off sheets of cat hair, probably enough to create another cat or two before they could even go into the washer. I had a plastic grocery bag full. I swear, how she is not bald in a mystery to me. The best part is I can hang them all outside and they will be wonderfully clean and fresh for the next round. I also threw in her eating mats so Miss Minou will have all sorts of clean stuff once again and I will not have hairy blankets piled in the laundry room

Yesterday I finished the top for my scrap quilt for me. It io plain, unfussy but a good scrap quilt. Since I got my queen sized bed (thanks Lovely Bug Family for giving it to me) I have had queen sized sheets but no queen sized quilts. Now I will have at long last.

 I may yet today get the backing pieced together. I have loads of scraps of flannelette from other projects so I am just going to sew some together for a back to use them up. Its just for me, after all and I am all about the using what you have on hand lately. Its funny but I made this queen sized quilt top, using scraps from my stash and now its done the stash box looks just a full as it did before I made the quilt. Yeesh. I am looking foreward to the day I see a dent in the stash.

Today, inbetween grappling with cat hair, I made a tooth fairy bear for Teddy Bear's grandson. He lost his first tooth recently so we thought he needed one:

I got his pocket on crooked inspite of pinning it, and I did not notice until I was done and taking his picture. ARGH!!! Stuff like that makes me crazy.

I should be out working in the yard but I have allowed myself to give that a miss for now. There will be time in the coming week to get at that. Besides I am watching the "Leave it to Bryan" marathon and I want him to come to my house!! I have a list of things he could do but since he likes to make the decisions, I would let him. Oh yeah in my dreams!!

Well I have blankets to hang on the clothes line and a quilt back to sew. Oh I love love love love love, my days off!!


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