Saturday 19 January 2013

One Foot to the East

When I went about redecorating the living room I indulged myself and bought at area rug. It wasn't on sale, I just cracked out the credit card and bought it because I loved it completely. It was laid down and I loved it but something bugged me. Its placement. It was about a foot too far west that what it should be. I decided I could live with it because moving it was a lot of work. Well I stood it as long as I could. Things like this bother me more than I care to admit to .

Today was the day it was getting moved. Here is where we started: We, being the rug and I. The cat took to the upper floors for safe keeping.

I want it so the chairs actually sit on the rug . Means moving the couch, ottoman, assorted chairs and the loom which sits on the opposite side of the room and which I failed to take a picture. Anywho, fortified with several cups of coffee and a promise to myself I would not over do it and rehurt my knee I began.

Soon this looked like this:

Much grunting and groaning later the rug was vacuumed, shifted and finally resting in it proper place. Much more appealing to my eye.

usually for me about half or 3/4 of the way through a project, I get tired, really tired and start thinking things like " who's dumbass ideas was this?", "why did I start this in the first place" and " The place really does not look this bad like this" and "things could stay like this, it doesn't look that bad". I mean really, the couch looks good here, nice and close to the TV. Don't you think? No???? Crap.

Lots of room to walk behind it. How bad would it be to leave it all like this and go sew something or knit something or have a nap??  Oh Shut up!! Stop telling me what I already know. Thankfully I know myself and when I get like this I go have a cup of tea and a break and gather myself together.

One cup of Earl Grey later and the place is starting to look back to normal once again. Now the chairs actually sit on the rug. I love that. It makes me happy.

I even fished the box of flooring out from under the couch so I can eventually redo the floor in the downstairs bathroom. That is is you can see on the bottom right hand side of the picture. The bathroom floor is a story for another day. I won't be able to do it until my knee is much better but one of these days I will get it done.

I moved the floor loom out into the entry and moved the little china cabinet into the living room. it makes more sense this way. Its not how I would like it but its the most practical place for the loom. In my little house I don't have a lot of spare space to store huge things like floor loom but I am not going to get rid of it either.

I have the material to recover the balloon back chairs, the pink velvet does not go all that well with the red couch.  I just have not gotten around to it yet. Maybe I could do one of them tomorrow. Time will tell.

So that was the most of my morning. The whole process was slower than it need to be because of my stupid sore knee but its done now. I am happy, I now intend to eat some soup, then defeat the Tupperware cupboard. I am determined it will no longer throw things at me when I open the doors not to mention that I need to make space in it for the things I use the most often, rather than storing them on top of the fridge and on the kitchen counter because I cannot jam them into the place they should be. Oh it is a never ending process in this little house. The constant pursuit of organized, tidy space.



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