Sunday 12 August 2012

Paper Piecing Fun

I talked myself out of walking to the fabric store today but I have made a serious promise to myself that I will go tomorrow. I have a crib quilt to make and I cannot lollygag around about it anymore. I want to take it to work with me on Thursday so I need to make a supply run to the fabric store.

The reason I did not got today was because it gave me an excuse chance to keep working on Busy's runner. I am getting the hang of this paper piecing stuff and I am enjoying the learning of something new. In case you are remotely wondering what the heck I am talking about I will show you. I'll show you even if you aren't interested because I am enchanted with this simple process with the big results.

You start with a paper pattern, and you make photocopies of how every many you need to make all the blocks you need. This pattern needs 16, so I made 20 because I knew I would have some mistakes.

Then you cut a piece of material slightly larger that the corresponding area on the paper patter and pin it over the spot on the back of the pattern. Then you pin on another piece of material, flip the paper and sew down the black line on the front of the pattern.
Keep going until you have covered all the spots. It may be hard to understand and if you are really interested YouTube paper piecing. They have great tutorials.

Eventually you cover all the spots. Then you trim the edges and remove any pins. Flip your block over. One is supposed to press down each piece as you sew it but I am finding I am going along ok with finger pressing and pins. You need to trim seams as you go along or you get material bulk, like no bodies business.

Now rip the paper off the back. Because you have your stitch length so small this is easy. Like I said if you are really interested YouTube is sooo much better at the details than I am.

In the end you get a block that looks like this. Its time consuming but I have half the blocks made and I am getting much better. Less ripping back as I go along. I cannot wait to show off the finished item. I am seriously crossing my toes and fingers and any other appendages that I can think of that I have enough of the background material. There is more waste than I anticipated and I bought this material last year, in another province so it may be hard to find extra. Crap on a cracker. Think good thoughts.
Did I mention I bought the material before I got the pattern?? I am terribly clever like that. Anything to make my life easier I say!!


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