Sunday 26 August 2012

Another Sunday Already

Oh it has been a lovely weekend, I spent yesterday at the Lake with the Banker and  S. We found some garage sales, on our way to the lake. Once we got there we had a lovely lunch, meandered through the shops, walked out on the pier and watched the waves slap onto the shore. Then we stopped at a lovely second hand book store/gift shop/ coffee shop and had some seriously good coffee and yummy homemade tarts. We ran into Teddy Bear while there and she joined us for some shopping and visiting. Oh yes and general silliness. We do get giggly when we get together.

I had planned to start to paint the garden shed this day but I wore the wrong shoes yesterday and my ankles are letting me know about it today. I am gibbled. SO I think I shall stay sedentary today, sewing, knitting and tv watching. In general off my sore ankles as much as I can. I will paint the shed another day.

I had something unnerving happen yesterday. I discovered blood all over the front door of my house. I called the police and they checked their records and said it was nothing related to anything they knew of so it was safe to clean it up. I was not home when it happened and frankly I am a little glad that I was not. I took pictures of it just in case. I felt better after I called the police but I still wonder what the heck was happening. An accident, a fight, someone fleeing something, battered woman, hurt child. A thousand things have floated through my fertile imagination. I have not cleaned it up yet, I don't want to until I get some rubber gloves. I just want to be careful. Probably not necessary but I do want to. I will go today and get the gloves, I do not want to leave blood smears on my door and front gate indefinitely. It looks a little grizzly once you figure out what it is.

This morning I went to run an errand and found my car tire flat as a pancake. Screw nail set up housekeeping in my tire, the bastard. I had visions of having to buy an new tire, organize a trip to the garage, which caused me much gnashing of teeth and pulling of hair. Bless CAA and there wonderful drivers. A very nice young man arrived, found the screw nail, removed it, plugged it up and put air in the tire. I am good to go once again. That is the second time in four days those gallant young man in the blue and white trucks have made my world a better place. Not to mention it did not cost me a penny. A blessing of incredible proportions in my world. I am a little hyper-tense about car problems lately. I have had my fill of them for a while.

So I should get myself geared up to go get some rubber gloves. Then come home and start the laundry. After that it will be a craft-tastic afternoon for me. I may actually finish sewing the top of Busy's table runner. That would be fabulous!!

I hope your Sunday is all that you want it to be.


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