Wednesday 30 March 2016

Have I Ever Mentioned???

How much I like being at home, not having to be on someone else's schedule. I think I may have several million times in the past and its still TRUE. I am ready to be retired. Now if only those lottery gods would cast a little miracle my way, my dreams would come true.

I am currently on vacation and am loving every moment of it. Broke to boot but I am managing to fill my time quite nicely, thank you very much. I have been sewing a quilt top.

Dove into my stash because I  have tons of material and the end result looks like this:

Same pattern as the black and gray one but looks so different in colours. I am so close to being finished but I ran out of white material so I need to make a run to the fabric store. Its on my list for Friday. Friday is my designated shopping day and I have a rather long list.

I need to add a strip of white around the edge and then it will be complete. I have another quilt picked out to start on as well. I have decided to get myself a year ahead with the donation quilts for the church at home instead of being a year behind.

I have been cleaning. I have four boxes of stuff ready to go to the second hand store. It should have been gone at Christmas time but I am running behind, better late than never.  I have decided to get rid of this chair

I had intended to recover it, refinish the arms and then maybe see if I could sell it but its sat in my kitchen for ages and I have not touched it. So out it goes. The only thing that sort of frustrates me is I can get rid of tons and still it never looks like I have made any progress. SIGH.

I found some dish cloth yarn so I am back to knitting dishcloths. I seem to have a lot of red and green, I am thinking this was given to me because I do not remember buying it. I have three knit already because today I did not feel like doing anything at all. I sat and I knit until Teddy Bear and I went out for supper. I need to find a new knitting project. I should finish the sweater I started for myself but I cannot decide it I want to finish it with yarn I already have or buy enough of the stuff that matches what I have already knot. No one really sees it and it would be a good way to use up some yarn but on the other hand the most of it except for the shoulder portion of the back are all a beige. I cannot decide. I am thinking I should maybe start working on some Christmas related stuff.

Ok pretend the shelf portion of this cabinet is painted white. It would have been painted today  but I was lazy and preferred to knit. This is the little cabinet that I had made and took forever to get the paint to paint it. I could have had it smaller but I didn't and its too late now. My Dad made the little book case portion years ago. . I am going to paint it white and eventually my egg cup collection will live in there and very important stuff will be hidden in the bottom. Storage is always needed in an old house owned by a collector.

Did you notice that its  mid week and I am blogging. What a crazy concept. Tomorrow I hope to do all the cleaning that I did not get done today, plus take the stuff to the second hand store. Now I have boxed it up I don't want to have it lingering in the kitchen while I ignore it. I can do that you know. I am a master at it. I could give lessons!!!

I have no idea how I am going to get to sleep tonight. I have no book to read.


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