Wednesday 2 September 2020

Autumn is on its way

 Last week you could feel it. The seasons shifted, one to the other. There is a coolness in the air, the nights are chilly. The daylight has a softer filter and the  green of summer is giving way to the pretty colours of autumn. So I felt it was safe to put the autumn wreath out on the veranda. This weekend I will try to get the fall decor out to dress up the place. Fall is my most favourite season. Spring comes second but fall is a solid first. Summer is too hot and winter has only got Christmas going for it.

I have been making masks. I think to date I have made 32 of them. I managed to get some elastic on Amazon and ended up with more than I bargained for. One really should read things more carefully when ordering.

If you don't you get 100 yards of the stuff  butfor a decent price ( that was in my favour at least.) I, then, promptly did this. Skeins of things and I are never friends.

 After much swearing and sweating I got it untangled and sorted. Some of it has gone off to Busy to assist in her mask making. I have more than I will use in ages so I was more than happy to share.

I have had lots of veranda visits with dear friends these last few days. The Hostess stopped by first, armed with coffee and breakfast. ( not obligatory  to a visit but very welcome) We had a lovely chat. It is so nice to sit on the veranda and keep up with peoples lives. Another nice thing is Miss Miles called this week as well. As she lives a couple of provinces away and I am now retired, we can chat easier with the time difference. The Banker and her Sweet Baboo are back from their travels. Its good to have her back home again.

Other than that not much is happening here. Housework, sewing, crocheting, quilting, knitting ..... you know the normal sort of thing. I was to go a visiting this next week, to my other sister-in-law, Granny S and Zoomer (my oldest great niece) but I have called it off for the second time. Every time I think I'll get there, the virus kicks up its heals and scares me back into my comfort zone. I am going to leave it for now and let time tell me when I can go.

Today for excitement, I picked up my groceries, hauled the garbage out AND put the dumpsters out for collection.(a major feat for the resident of this house to have both happen at once).  Took the bags of textiles to those recycle bins, then treated myself to breakfast out. I mean can you handle it?? Its all go around here, no end to the excitement. 

In all seriousness I have rather content. I would like to be able to go visiting my family but I am content to stay home. I cannot believe that it is five months to day since my last day at work. I like to putter and potter about the house. My routine is changing. I eat more meals in the kitchen, I'm getting better and keeping things from piling up. I am working my way through the purging and sorting, I have started a list of things I need to get done to and around the house. If you do not put it out here, the universe does not know what you need. My bedroom is big on my hit list. Actually the entire upstairs  needs a good seeing to. Plus I have the stuff to recover my kitchen chairs, need to get on that as well.

Still cannot say if our scrapbooking weekend in November will be a go or not. Its in the hands of the virus but I am forging ahead like its a go. I nearly have the raffle quilt finished and I have a theme for the silent auction donation basket. The Banker and I usually do one each year. It gives me a chance to make a table runner. I do love to make a  quilted table runner.

I have decided I want to try to make a tumbling blocks baby quilt. It involves sewing Y seams and I have seen a tutorial on how to work them and now think I can conquer them. A crib quilt will do for a start. I like to have some on hand just in case. I have a girlie one tucked away for future use, so this one will be more masculine. 

Wish me luck!!



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