Tuesday 8 September 2020

The Furnace is cutting in!!! WTF????

 Man, the furnace ran in the spring for far longer than made me happy and now its kicking on far to early in the fall. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard it running!! So far this morning its come on a couple of times. This is far too early for these shenanigans, I am not a happy bunny this morning. I like the cool weather but we should not be needing the heat on just yet.

I have to admit I do  not have much to share in the way of blog post material. The last few days I have been enjoying coffee visits from friends, puttering about the house, continuing the never ending story of trying to bring organization to this place. I am making headway. Teddy Bear and KitKat have both made mention of how the place is looking good these days. I am so happy that its not just me that can see it. My greatest joy is the kitchen is staying decent. No endless piles of dishes and stuff all over.

I have finished the raffle quilt. Once I get it washed I will take pictures and post them. I now have to figure out a way to raise some money with it this year. Ticket sales will be problematic with the Covid virus putting a damper on everything. Stupid virus. Not to mention I am no longer at work where ticket selling was so easy, people came to me to get them. SO now I need to get my thinking cap on and come up with some clever idea.

I can now move onto the quilt I am going to make for Best Friend. She has given me her Dad's ties to use. I want to get going on that. I have another top ready to start quilting, A gift from Princess Diva's mom. I also have two quilt tops for myself that are ready and waiting their turn to get quilted. I have to get backing material for them and I will need to get some more quilt batts. I have used all but one that I had on hand. Some of these things are not all that easy to come by these days. Lots of folks sewing a quilting these days.

My mask making count is up to 37 now. Not bad for someone who thought they would not make any of them at all besides a couple for myself. 

Kids are back to school today, Oh I pray that it all goes well and does not spark a swell of the virus again. Lots of pictures of the kids heading off to first day, wearing their masks, Its a sign of the times. 

Ok I am not a student headed back to school but I had to show off my new mask. I found the material in my stash and could not resist making one for myself. I like to think it suits me.

So my goal this week is to actually start cleaning in my bedroom. The closet is a black hole that needs an organizing like nobodies business. I have hopes that it may happen today but my will is fading fast. Maybe tomorrow. 



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