Monday 4 May 2020

Switching Gears

I cannot tell you how much I do not like the fact that my furnace is still cutting in in the mornings. I have it set to 15 degrees and its turning its self on!! Its May for goodness sake!! I usually do not hear it run after the beginning of April. Yeesh. Hurts my feelings and my bank account.

So I had sort of thought that this Monday I would get outside and start the  yard clean up. The lawn needs to be raked and the flowers from last year need to go and live in the compost bin. I had great plans, I knew it would not be easy but it would be good for the yard to get it started and good for me to get the exercise. Switch gears!! I am way to stiff and sore today to do it. I'm not sure why, I give up trying to figure it out, I just know its a day to day thing for me. Plus its cold, cold enough for the furnace to cut in so will do this another day. For now I will content myself with watching the tulips thrust their young green selves up through last years detritus searching for spring

I really need to get that grate spray painted, its getting so rusty

You know you are an old lady when you get all excited about a grocery cart. I treated myself and got a new one. I did have a small one that I got at a yard sale which worked fine but I wanted one that was bigger and stronger, with four wheels. Meet Rosie the grocery cart

She is shiny, new, strong, capable and has four lovely wheels. This means I can push it with ease instead of having to pull it behind me. It holds the entire grocery shop and the bags do not drag on the ground. I am toying with the idea of making a liner for her but for now I am super tickled with my new addition. The only down side is now I  have to find a storage spot for the girl.

Last week I tackled a job that I have wanted to do for some time. I sorted most of my quilt scraps into colours. I did two totes worth. I think there is another tote filled with cotton but I ran out of steam before I got to it. It will get done in time

Once I had them all colour coded, I bagged them. I thought that would keep them in their category. That last tote looks a mess but trust me its far more organized than before. I even culled out the material that I knew I would not use and passed it onto the Banker's Mom. She and her friends make quilts for the Woman's shelter and they are running low on material.

So in the spirit of reducing and reusing, I finally got around to this little project. Prepare to be dazzled by my brilliance!!!  Seriously I know its not much but it pleased me and this is my blog, so there. This box came with a flower delivery at some point.

I discovered it is the perfect size to hold my clear stamp sets for scrapbooking. It corrals them into one place

I found some contact paper in the craft room that I have had for some time and I made the little box pretty

Its useful, it was made with things that were laying around the house, it did not cost me a dime and it saved the box from being thrown away. It made me happy

I finished The Nurses quilt. Its had a bath and is all dry and ready to go to her house. I wish I could find a lint brush to take the little fuzzy bits and threads off it. No cats in the house means there are not the plenitude of lint brushes about the place anymore that there used to be.

My dear friend Rosemarie made this quilt for the Nurse many years ago. Rosemarie was The Nurse's favourite aunty. The backing had holes and the seams had given in certain spots but she did not want to throw it out. She asked me if I thought it was worth mending and if it could be done. Apparently I said yes because here it is, all ready for a bit more life. I was so happy to be able to do it for her.

It is one month to day since I began this new chapter of my life. I am still enjoying it in case you were wondering. I now use my weekends as total crafting times. Housework can be done during the week as I have time to do it not to mention the energy. So my weekends are free to spend time doing what I love best, creating.

This weekend I decided to start a quilt that I can use as the raffle quilt for the Safe and Warm Shelter, if I can figure out how to sell tickets. Not working means I have lost that lovely situation where lots of people would come to me to get a ticket. Something will work out, so I decided to get a quilt made in case.

I need 12 of these big squares and so far I have 8 of them made. I worked on them while watching the Last Kingdom (?) on Netflix. I am nearly finished the series and I still am not sure of the name. The quilt is a Celtic knot that once I get the whole top finished you will be able to see better.

My coffee is done, my blog post is almost complete and I need to get on with my day. My kitchen  needs to be cleaned, behind my chair in the living room needs to be purged and I am sure many other things need to be done. I best get at them .


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