Monday 27 April 2020

Monday Monday So Good To Me

Yet another up side to this retirement gig is that Mondays are no longer dreaded. They are just another day and who would have thought that? In fact now Monday has become laundry day for me. I love it. So right now I am finishing my breakfast, enjoying my daily cup of coffee, the laundry is sorted and waiting to be done, and I am blogging. Its all good. The jury is still out on the financing of this endevour but I have every faith that it will all work out.

I actually washed the kitchen floor last week. I will not tell you how long it has been since I did that. (My mother would be so disappointed in me). However its done, I cleaned all the crap out from under the table and life is good.

I even moved all the stuff that was piled in front of the hutch. Its a gathering space for things that don't want to be out away right away.

I finished the Easter table runner. I may have mentioned that before but I can't remember

I got my material order so I could finish my Orla Keily quilt top and I could get the Nurse's quilt back  under construction. I am actually nearly finished it. /I decided that I could spend Saturday and Sunday mostly quilting. So I worked on that and binge watched tv.

The best best best thing of all........We had a No Cook Friday forbidden coffee party on Friday night. Well its not really forbidden we did the social distancing thing. We all went to the Banker's place, armed with lawn chairs and our own coffee. Seated 6 feet apart we had the best evening. It was beyond wonderful to get to see everyone. To talk, to laugh to just be together. It was excellent. We will do it again, weather permitting. We were together as long as our bladders would allow.

So that is what is happening around here this morning. Its quiet, its calm, its lovely. I am going to linger over my coffee and then get at the business of the day. I am hoping that we are starting to ease up on this covid confinement. NOT that I want it to happen too fast so we don't end up back in the same situation. Just slowly get back to a more interactive life.

One thing I have discovered is that I need to find a system to keep me on track in regards to what day it is, what payments are coming out of the bank on what day, appointments and grocery pick ups etc. Not having that by weekly pay day to keep me on track, its hard. So I don't know, a white board, a big calendar, the reminder thing on my phone? I have to see what I think will work best for me. While I have not had any catastrophes yet I have had some near misses. I will get on that.


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