Tuesday 19 May 2020

Long Weekend has Come and Gone

Finally the weather has warmed and the furnace has stopped running and it looks like we might actually get some proper spring weather. Makes my heart sing. I spent a good deal of time on the veranda this weekend, on my own and entertaining. Again it made my heat sing, That veranda is, without a doubt, my favourite spot in the house.

This pandemic nonsense had made us become inventive with how we interact with folk and once again my veranda has made me happy. There is enough space out there that I can have someone come to visit and we can social distance. Weather permitting of course.

This weekend Teddy Bear came

KitKat arrived with supper in hand and we dined al fresco

The Nurse stopped by with Breakfast biscuits and coffee and we chatted the morning away

All were most welcome and made the weekend wonderful. The most unexpected treat of the veranda shenanigans was a sweet treat brought to me by Princess Diva. Saturday morning she stopped by and left me these

Sweet treats from a local bakery, OMG they were sooo delicious. It was a lovely, generous, unexpected treat from a very kind friend. I inhaled them as soon as possible. So yummy

I even had a little feline visitor this weekend. This big orange fella stopped in for a pet and a head scratch and to provide a reminder that I do have a soft spot for big orange cats.

I have never seen him before, and have no idea where he came from but we had a nice little moment. He has the prettiest pale blue eyes. So we canoodled for a bit and then he wandered off to places unknown. No collar but he looked well fed and cared for. He was friendly so I am thinking someones pet out for a stroll. (Yes I am in bare feet, deal with it)

So the house keeping continues to stay on the better side and has not gone back to the dark side so far. I have been crafting up a storm. Knitting dishcloths

I have a plan for these., so I am busy making a lot of them. I have been working on quilts as well. The pile of works in progress grows each day

My row by row quilt project via facebook continues on. I think we only have two more weeks of it before its done

I had a bit of a panic because I thought I had run out of the pale yellow material but thanks to my quilt scrap sort out, I found enough to get the quilt finished. Whew!!

Busy shared with me, a picture of a quilt she had made for Sweet Pea. I loved the pattern so much I made a crib quilt with it from scraps on hand. Hers was all beautiful blues and greens but I went with what was on hand. 

Its all quilted now but I have not taken the finished picture yet. The Banker found me some quilt batt at the local Walmart so I am good to go on the quilts for a while. I will keep this little quilt on hand for a gift or a donation item. Those situations crop up now and then and I just gave my last little quilt and toddler afghan to a family that had a house fire. I need to restock.

I made a pie on the weekend. I saw the recipe on YouTube and it only took three ingredients. Lemon Ice Box pie. It was super easy and rather tasty and made with things you would have in the house. I cheated and bought a graham cracker crust. I could have made one but I like the bought ones better.

I have yet to get myself organised to bake bread. Its on my radar to do I just have to wait until I get in the mood. Yeast is as scarse as hen's teeth so I am looking at trying a soda bread. Because I use it for cleaning I have a good supply of baking soda. 

Today I have not accomplished too much so far. I plan to wash up the towels and cleaning rags. I need to put the dumpsters out as tomorrow is garbage day. I have a bin of compost to move from the veranda to the green bin. Not a terribly big list but I bet I can make it take up the entire day. I may start purging drawers as well.

I finally cleaned out behind my chair in the living room. Its like the back seat of the car, a great place to toss things that should not be tossed back there. Its all cleaned up now and all I can do is hang my head in shame, and try to not let it happen again.

My next quilt to start working on is for Best Friend. She brought me a bunch of her Dad's ties and asked it I could make her a quilt. More than happy to do that for her. I have found a pattern that pleases me, Now I need to get the material together and get doing on it. Fun times!!


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