Monday 5 October 2015

Time Crunch

You know when you are sort of bopping along feeling that yes you have some things to do but you have time and  then BAM you have not time left and the few things have turned into a  zillion things to get finished. Welcome to my world. I am in a time crunch, I am getting over a cold and I know I am not going to get everything done that I had hoped to but I am giving it my best shot.

So I have prioritized, put my nose to the grindstone and am working my fingers to the bone to get as much taken care of as I can. I think I will make it. I have the donation quilt (one of them) quilted, bound and in the wash even as we speak. I have the neck inserts made for the last of the puppets and will get them installed in the next couple of days, all 46 of them. I have the second table skirt made for the craft show. I have most of the craft sale stuff organized and will have that done in the next two days. I cannot leave it to the last minute, I have other things to deal with so the sale stuff all needs to be packed and ready to take to the venue in the next two day. I have the little baby doll bed kitted out with a mattress and pillow to showcase Birthday Twins baby snuggle cocoons. When I take pictures of the sale booth you will understand that if you don't now.

I will share pictures of all that I have been up to  at a later date when I have some more time. For now this is going to be a very short post. I have the Wee Girl's gift basket ready to be gifted. Made a couple of last minute things to put in there this weekend. Her quit is not quilted but thankfully she is still a Wee Girl and does not need it just yet. Makes her Aunty heave a sigh of relief.

So I need to get back at the insert sewing. I will post later. Its the flight of the bumble bees around here and I am really just wanting to have a nap!!


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