Sunday 25 October 2015

Quiet Sunday

Its been a quiet weekend but that is ok. It gave me lots of time to work on the quilt for the Shelter. Our local shelter is always  looking for ways to fund raise. I decided to donate a quilt for them to raffle off. I should have had it ready for this weekend instead of just starting to get at the quilting. To be honest, It was to have been done earlier in this year but I was confined to the hospital and did not have access to my quilting stuff.  Oh well, its on the go now and this way they have a bit more time to sell tickets. I got it half quilted this weekend. My hands will give me the business tomorrow but I don't care, I so enjoy quilting. I watched tv, stitched and was in my happy place.

I did have a break from the hoop and needle, Saturday morning The Banker, KitKat and I popped over to a trade show that (lets call her Care Bear because she is the most tender hearted person) Care Bear hosted at her house. It was to raise funds for the Shelter. The three of us went and checked things out, I got some Norwex stuff because I like the product, bought couple of Sunset Creek Gourmet mixes, one for scones and one for cheesecake and some earrings that I may keep for myself. We snooped, shopped and had a great time. We all went for lunch and then hit for home. I love spending time, bumming around with my friends. However when I got home I got stuck into quilting and I did not come up for air again until now.

I got to have my usual lovely Sunday morning, sleep in, read, snooze, make breakfast, eat breakfast while binge watching Coronation Street and then shower and dress. Then Quilting and texting and wishing for someone to go for supper with.

Every once in a while I regret the fact that I am single. Well its more than once in a while but I am not miserable.  I have a very good life. It could be better but I have a good life. Lots of friends and lots to do. Every now an then I really miss not having someone. There are times when my friends are busy with their families and there stuff and I am on my own. Tonight I just wanted to go out for supper, sit and chat and have a lovely evening. Doing it on my own was not in my wheel house. Puts a bit of a pout on my lip when this happens but I will live through it. It is how it is and no pouting in the world will change what is this moment in time.

/Now it is time for bed. Another month end is looming and I need my strength to get through it.


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