Sunday 15 December 2019

Christmas Prep and a Change of Plans

This weekend was going to be a full on push for Christmas. It still was a full on push but the details changed. The plan was out for supper with the No Cook gals as usual, then Saturday morning, up early, out to get Tater Tots gift, a quick stop at Dollarama for last minute stocking stuffers for The Carpenter and The Farmer. To Fabricland for material for two last minute Christmas projects, get some white sugar for cookies then home to work on decorating the house and to do a bit of baking to send home to the Fam. I may not be able to be there but my cookies can be.

Then the fates stepped in . On the way to take The Banker home Friday night, the check engine light came on and stated that engine power was reduced. I knew something was up with the car before this and I had made an appointment to to get the car winterized and checked out on Wednesday this week. I had no idea what this check engine thing meant so I googled it. Long story short, Mr Google said get the car checked, don't drive it, driving can cause complete loss of power and cause engine damage. I got home ok but my Saturday plans were skuppered. What to do????

Ok this is where my wonderful friends and family kick in, honestly I could not function without them
Busy is going to get me something for Tater Tot for Christmas. Teddy Bear got me sugar to finish my baking and The Banker is going to get my material and pick up my prescriptions. She can drop them off when she stops in to get the parcels and baking this afternoon.

Instead of being out and about early on Saturday morning I started my day sipping coffee with Teddy Bear before she scooted off to have breakfast with her Breakfast group. Sugar supply replenished  I dug into the decorating and the baking.

This is just a tip of the ice berg. I have done lots more but I have not taken pictures. In fact its at that "what the hell was I thinking" stage. The house is a complete disaster of storage tubs and half decorated items. Its just in the middle of it all and from now on it should start to look better any minute.

The baking got finished, Snackens, Cherry Refrigerator cookies and candied pecans all done and put in their Christmas tins and ready to be delivered.

Prezzies are wrapped. Stocking stuffers are organized. The Farmer and The Carpenter have stuffers, I was just going to get one more each just because, but they will not go shy. 

I have used brown paper for presents for years now. Fancy ribbon and a homemade tag. This year I used by tag punch and recycled some old Christmas cards.

Princess Diva picked up the raffle quilt today. She will sell tickets at a Christmas concert tonight and then make the draw. She chipped the ice off my steps and Teddy Bear had shoveled the sidewalk earlier. Oh the Blessings I have with my family and friends. I don't deserve them but I am grateful I have them that is for sure.

A nice little surprise at work is they asked to have one of my wall hangings to put at the front desk over the holiday season. I was dead pleased.

Woke up this morning rather stiff and sore, moving around is an adventure but its my fault, I over did it a tad yesterday. Today I want to get the outside stuff up so the fall wreath is no longer out but the Christmas one will be up. After that I can poke away at the remaining decorating and sew on the last minute Christmas projects. Easy lazy day ahead for me. I will also make a pot of soup. I need something for lunches. 

I am feeling rather smug that I have done what I did. Frantic panic to meet deadlines has been met. The rest can be done in my own good time!! Sweet!!!


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