Sunday 6 October 2019

Sunday Stuff

Slow start to the morning but that is the norm at this house. I take the day of rest thing to heart. I know I have mentioned this before but Sunday is my day to sleep in. I get up late, have a big proper breakfast, bacon, eggs, toast, hash browns and coffee. Today I got breakfast cooked almost perfectly. I baked potatoes yesterday so I used some of them for hash browns and they are my favourite. Bacon nice a crispy, toast just golden, the eggs were a tad hard but on the whole I did good. I don't usually. Sometimes I rush and things get overdone or are underdone but today was perfect.

Right now I am sipping on my second cup of coffee and feeling a bit defeated. Back in the day I would have finished my breakfast, jumped in the car and headed to the big craft sale in town. I would have roamed the booths and gotten a million ideas, bought some stuff and had an old fashioned lemonade for sure. I can't do that anymore. Its way too much walking and I would never manage it. It makes me sad that these simple pleasures are out of my reach. So disheartening but really things could be so much worse for me. I can still manage, it just gets me down now and then to deal with the fact that my world has shrunk. That's all, I will get over it, I just like to indulge in a little pity party now and then .

I just realized I have no pictures for this blog post. Honestly not much has been happening this week. I was not feeling well for part of it so that limited any activity. Thankfully whatever it was has passed on and I am as normal as I ever am.

I can reuse some pictures since the relate to the blog

I am doing a lot of quilting right now. I have my friend's quilt to finish and then the one for the Safe and Warm raffle to get done. I have less than three weeks to get this accomplished. Not to mention I need to prep for my scrapbooking weekend and get something gathered/made for the silent auction we have there every year. The Banker and I usually do up a basket for that. She, of course, has her stuff ready and mine is still a tiny germ of a thought in my little brain. Sigh. It will all get done but I am at that stage where I feel overwhelmed by it all.

So there you go, I am feeling defeated and overwhelmed but breakfast was awesome. I am sure once the coffee kicks in I will be fine. Of course I will be fine, everyone has a wobble once in a while maybe I do more than I should but so far I have always worked my way out of it. 

For now I need to get back to the quilting hoops and get the last two rows quilted on my friends quilt. My goal it to finish this quilt today. A unattainable goal, maybe, maybe not, time will tell. I will, at some point need to go to the fabric store and get back and batting for the other quilt. I was going to do that  yesterday but it never happened. Once I sit and quilt, time seems to evaporate and I get nothing else done. It truly is my favourite thing to do.

Off I got to the hoops. I thought I needed to add one more a picture, even though its not related to the blog in the least. It makes me happy.


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