Monday 14 October 2019

Mother Nature's Little Bitch Fit

OMG Mother Nature needs a few new meds as she is getting more and more prone to pitching a legendary bitch fit. This weekend she picked on us and it was not pretty. It is seriously too early for these shenanigans. My area  did not get the worst by any means but enough to ground a lot of Thanksgiving weekend plans and send us all scuttling to our homes, to stay safe and warm. I was going to spend this weekend with family but called that off. I love to be with my family but not if it means travelling in horrible weather. Nights in the ditch in the winter are not my thing. We did manage No Cook but did not stay out as long as usual and we did not transfer from one place to another for coffee after supper. We coffeed at the restaurant.

Like I said we did not get the worst of it but it was nasty. These were taken Saturday morning. It continued to snow for the most of the day.

This last picture shows the snow that was stuck on vertical surfaces all over the place. This snow is so heavy and wet. It broke branches and all manner of things. Its perfect for snowman making. Boy if I could,I would have been out there making one.

I did however get the sidewalk at long last. Sigh. Spent more time fretting about it that it took to actually do it.

Probably if I had left it, it would have cleared itself by tomorrow but I needed to do it. I need to get used to doing this stuff. I have to push myself to do more, I cannot let this osteoarthritis in my knee and lower back win and rob me of all my mobility. So I am rather proud that I did it. Its such a little sidewalk but I can turn it into a mountain. Its one of my talents, molehills into mountains.

It so sad that my marigolds were still blooming when this happened.

It is a blessing that we did not get all the snow that other regions got. We did not loose power. Thank God for that. As for me there was sufficient food in the fridge to get me through the weekend. I had crafty things to do and enough housework to last the entire winter.

Time for show and tell. I got this finished for my friend's father:

I got caught up on my 52 blocks project:

Then I did this pretty for the silent auction at our upcoming scrapbooking weekend:

It was going to be snowman themed but being trapped inside, I had to shop the house and come up with stuff I had  on hand to make this. I did not get to the fabric store to get back and batting for the Safe and Warm quilt so I could not work on that. Stopping at the fabric store is on my list for tomorrow. To stop from going completely crazy I turned my attention to other things that needed doing.

Christmas is coming so I need to get at those things that I want to make for that. So many ideas racing around in my head. For others, for myself. It never ends, thank goodness!!

I have got the kitchen cleaned, the laundry done, the bed in the spare room is finally made with clean sheets, all ready for the next visitor. It took me forever to get that done. It amazing how easy it is for me to ignore that sort of thing.

Groceries will need to be ordered to day. That is usually done every second Friday but since the snow had nipped my Saturday plans in the bud, it was not done. Its getting to be like old Mother Hubbard's cupboard around here. I was really regretting the lack of yummy snacks in this house when the storm hit.

Today is more household chores, some computer things, finding a new craft project and folding up the last of the laundry. Nothing very spectacular.

I was invited out to Thanksgiving supper yesterday but I choose to stay home. It was celery stuffed with cheese whiz appetizers, Hamburger "clean out the fridge" stew/soup for main course and sliced apples with peanut butter for dessert. Not turkey and pumpkin pie but very tasty. I do regret the lack of pumpkin stuff this weekend. I had pumpkin spice marshmallows but I am saving them for when I have rice krispies. I have resolved to have canned pumpkin and cream cheese in the house before hand so I can make a pie or cheese cake if I need to. I could have roasted a chicken but the stew/soup made use of so many things that needed using up.

So that's what's been up with me this weekend. Snow, snow and more snow. Its stopped and is rapidly melting yesterday and today. I am not sad to see it go.

Happy Thanksgiving


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