Monday 2 September 2019

And its Fall

No gentle fading of summer this year, that bitch packed her bags and bolted out of here. Its FALL!!, I am not sad, fall is my favourite time of the year. It was just a very sudden change. I do hope that this season hangs around for a long time. Drags it all out so we do not have to deal with the white stuff too soon.

This has been a busy weekend,. I have been wishing I could be in two places at once but that never works out at all. Oh well we do what we can.

My lilacs bushes are GONE, the bed has been dug and now I just have to maintain it. Wish me luck with that.

Projects are being knocked off the list, left right and center. I finished KitKat' table runners. Two snowman runners done, dusted and delivered, Now I can get at working on the slippers that she wants and also a pair for Busy.

Next!! I did not take pictures of the whole gang together because Teddy Bear stopped in and I gave them to her before I had a chance. Trust me there were 5 of these and she was thrilled with them. If she wasn't she gave a very good performance. There were squeals, giggles and much gratitude.

I still am going to make one of these for myself. The complete one with the four buffalo on it. I was happy to have them finished so she has them to give away to her other friends in September. 

I have been sewing as well, doing mending for other people. My supervisor at work had one of her dogs eat two duvets and a duvet cover. SO I patched them up a good as I could for her.Man those little feathers get everywhere  Sewed up some seams in pant legs and applied patches to other assorted garments. I am sad to admit but this has become my new best friend when I am sewing.

I can no longer get the dang needle threaded without much cursing and sweating. This little do-dad saves me from all that. This getting older is just no fun in so many ways.

I had a lovely visit with the Nurse and the Little Entertainer. The Little Entertainer is not so little any more, she is 12 and turning into a gorgeous young lady. They made my Saturday. I love that they make a point of visiting when they can.

What else have I done over the last two weeks?? I have started to work on getting the craft room in order. Its a slow go but I am seeing progress. So here are a few before pictures

.And here are some afters:

Not totally perfect but progress!! I have done more but do not have the picture proof. You can actually walk from the door to the computer without taking your life in your hands. I also found homes for a ton of little things and put put all the embroidery thread in one place instead of being in all sorts of bags and boxes in eleventy million places. A lady on YouTube who resells stuff says "its not hoarding if you store it in a pretty box". Its my new motto. Pretty boxes here I come.

I finished up the little afghan that I made with yarn I got from Princess Diva's Mom. I think it will go to the women's shelter. I was thinking it was for a baby but its bigger than I anticipated. More a toddler or lap blanket'

I finally made it to Michael's. I have put off that trip for at least four weeks but I managed it this week.  I got some scrapbooking supplies, slipper yarn and because I have no control and it was buy one get one, I bought these. I LOVE fall stuff.

I cannot wait to get some mini pumpkins and fill up that wooden bowl. I think they will look adorable. There was so much stuff there I could have bought. For some reason I love pumpkins. I have already got too many pumpkins but I could so easily buy more. I restrained myself.

Anyone notice I did not mention cleaning the kitchen??? Well that is because its clean!! The table and counters are cleared off, the floor could use a wash but other than that its good. No garbage, no recycling, its a miracle!!

Not sure what I will do with the rest of my day. I have done some things on the computer that I have been putting off. I have had breakfast and I have done the blog post. I guess I should start the slippers.

Oh the best part of the week is I found my black handled fork. I have had this fork all my adult life. Mom got it on a bottle of dish liquid years ago. She got a fork and one spoon with this tapered handle. The Carpenter always claimed them as his. He left home and left them behind. I claimed them. I have found a knife, salad fork and another tiny spoon in thrift stores. I had an entire place setting and then I lost the dinner fork. It was missing for some time. I was brokenhearted. Then in the course of cleaning in the craft room  I FOUND IT!!!

SO HAPPY. Now if I could just find my project book and about a dozen other things that are missing in this house.

I hope are having a fun weekend



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