Sunday 15 September 2019

All Done

So I baked enough potatoes so I will have fried ones all week. I love fried potatoes. I cooked chicken breasts so I have sandwich meat for the week. I have bagels for breakfasts and I have a pork tenderloin roast taken out to cook at some point this week. I am rather proud, I have the food issue locked down for the first week back to work. This is something I struggle with at times. I would rather have someone else make the meals. I am a tad lazy in that area. When I say "tad" I mean I am totally lazy about meal planning.

So its back to work tomorrow. I did not get everything done that I had planned but I did get somethings done that I had not planned. It all balances out.

Busy's slippers are done

KitKat's slippers are done: they look grey but they are a dusty blue

I got the top put together for the Safe and Warm Raffle quilt

I got an order for a single bed quilt. I am happy about that. Its a simple pattern and I think its going to be very nice when I get it finished.

I crocheted a baby doll blanket:

And I started another one. I have not taken a picture of it yet.

I never did get the material to cover the kitchen chairs. I have to wait on that, the budget does not stretch to it this time. The funds had to be used for other things.

The Banker and I went for high tea

There were two lovely scones on the bottom plate but we devoured them before I thought to take a picture. They were delicious.

My hair did not get cut, I did not do any more purging and  there are a number of things that are still on the list. They will be dealt with in good time. I did get rid two of my old wooden chairs. The Banker's granddaughter decided she would take two of them. I am so very happy about that. I just have two left to do something with. The kitchen is still relatively tidy and I did get to a couple of appointments that I was glad to get done while I did not have to leave the office to do them. I did not forget to put the dumpsters out again this week. I forgot last week and they were full!!

I cannot and will not ever recover from how quickly these last two weeks have gone. I cannot talk about it. Its childish but I would rather just be at home. Its the same old song, we all know the words and the music. No need for me to keep harping on and on about it.

The Banker and Sweet Baboo are going to take the old air conditioner out of the dining room window at some point in time. He looked at it when they installed the light fixture and he feels he can get it out and get the window to shut. (That makes me happy). Next year I will look into getting a portable one for that room.

Some things are falling into place and somethings are falling apart. Life is normal. One day at a time and one foot in front of the other. Its all we can do.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, I discovered your blog a while ago. I think you commented on another blog I read. When I like the look of a blog I like to read it from the beginning so that's what I've done with yours. I've really enjoyed it. You have such an amazing, caring family and group of friends. I live in Alberta but I'm still not sure where you live, Manitoba maybe? Sounds like you only have one more year to retirement, you'll love it! I've been retired for 8 years and don't miss working one little bit! Looking forward to your next post.
