Sunday 17 April 2016


I often wonder if there will ever be a time in my life where my bank book exceeds my need/want/wish list. I also often wonder how it would be to live that life. But as they say if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. I am on the walking path.

The upside of this is it makes you creative. I am all for recycling, reusing and making. I also tend to get a bug in my head about something an it can easily become an obsession. This latest obsession was the light fixture in my craft room. Its a ceiling fan and a while ago the second light bulb burnt out. I was in the dim twilight to say the least. I gave it several dirty looks and in the process noticed the incredible build up of dust on the blades. It any of it ever let go, its gonna leave a dent where it hit. I never use it as a fan. It goes "whomp, whomp whomp" as it runs and in short order drives me mad.

So I thought I need to change the light fixture, I need something new with really good light. Ok then reality set in. Light fixtures cost, electricians/handy men like to be paid to do jobs like this. Big heavy sigh and I decide I will just invest in better light bulbs. I got some on sale, LED's which are good for 20 years and give off great light. This did nothing to change the fact that I want the fan gone. What to do??

You think about it, you stare at the fixture and "boing" you get an idea. Long story short you take the bladed off the fan, The Banker came over and removed the fan blades and the extra chains. So simple. I washed the glass shades and she polished up the fixture. In short order it was put back together with the snazzy new bulbs and I could not be happier. Its like a new fixture and it only cost me a cup of coffee and three bulbs. Best of all its done, done, done. ( I forgot to take a before picture)

Now I am busy working on puppets. I have had a few puppet orders recently and even a quilt order. I need to put my nose to the grind stone and get busy. I have spent most of yesterday working on them, in between having coffee, then lunch with The Banker and doing some household chores. It was the perfect weekend for it. Cold, wet, snowy. It was a good day to be inside, watching TV and crocheting. Today is much of the same although I have added, laundry, soup making and a little bit of baking into the mix.

 I am making a few new puppets. This is the first new guy to the bunch, a sturgeon, or at least my rendition of one

I just need to figure out how to sew an insert into him to keep the stuffing in and yet allow you hand to get into his mouth. I will figure that out another day. I also have been asked to make a crane, a marten and a deer, but I have made a deer before. Its always a challenge but I enjoy that. This order also requests a loon, an eagle, and a person with black hair. Then I have a dragon and a porcupine to make. 

Hope your day is going well.


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