Sunday 24 April 2016

I Can't Think of A Clever Title

Another weekend is slipping away, Things got done and things got missed. A rather typical week with no great adventures to commend it. No great disasters either so all in all it was a good week. One thing I can say is that my knee is doing much better this week. Last week it was acting like a naughty child and made moving about a real misery. This week its vastly better much to my relief.

I have been working away at a puppet order. I am nearly finished. So far I have made a sturgeon, well two of them actually. They were done before this weekend. I still have to figure out how to keep the stuffing in it.I keep showing them off because I am very pleased with how they turned out.

This weekend I did make these, I have made cranes, There are two of these required as well,

White tailed deer, ( 2 again). There has also been a loon and a man and an eagle. These are all headed to a school to help with a reading program. That makes me very happy. I have to make a Marten and then this order is complete.

I got the egg cups moved over to their new home but I need something on a couple of the shelves to raise some of them up so you can see them better

The cupboard on the bottom will add some much needed storage in this little house. I probably could have had it made smaller but I am pleased with it none the less. My Dad made the little book case for me years ago and I am very happy to have a new use for it.

I gave my bedroom a tidy for the first time in ages. Too much stuff getting left where it should not be was cause problems. At long last I finally tried putting back a piece of the wall paper that fell off almost the moment I put it up. I bought some wall paper paste and gave it a go. IT STUCK!!! So now I can get the rest of it put back onto the wall. I can remove the rest of the carpet, repaint and put in new flooring. I may actually get my bedroom done at last!! Its the last room in the house that wants a reno. I cannot wait to have a blue bedroom again.

I made up a batch of laundry soap which was greatly needed as five loads of laundry were on hold until some got made. The thought of public nudity is a great motivator. Somewhere in all the rounds of housework and projects, I smashed my little finger.

Its fine, it just got a really good pinch. Its a delightful egg plant colour. Housework is not always hazard free.

This week, I had supper with the Banker, Kit Kat and Teddy Bear. We were discussing our trip to Scotland and have decided that its just not on for now. We are not saying its cancelled, but postponed. That makes me sad but money only goes so far, and the house needs shingles, the car will soon need tires and I hold my breath every time I open the fridge until I know its still running. It the way life goes. Scotland will do another day. Got my hair cut, had No Cook with the girls and went to the show on Saturday night to round out the week. Not bad for an old girl.

Today was laundry, puppet production and a delicious long nap.

I hope your weekend was a good one.


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