Tuesday 22 September 2015

Busy Week and now Back to Work

So my two weeks of vacation time zipped by in the blink of an eye. Funny how work hours move so slowly and vacation time zips by like the Road Runner on Speed. Yeesh. I had 23 things on my list to accomplish whist on vacation and I got to 11 of them. I should have stepped up my game but it didn't happen. My physical energy does not come anywhere near my mental energy.

I FINALLY got out to visit with Mommybug, Ladybug and Babybug. Daddybug was in the field so I missed seeing him.  I have been trying to get out there for ages!! So long that I am ashamed to admit to it. Anyhoo I got there, and got to see the new addition they built onto the house, got to spend some time with the kids. I know my opinion may be suspect but they are the cutest pretend grandbabies a gal could want. Ladybug is friendly, chatty and so cute. Babybug is a bit shy but not to the point where he makes strange. He just is cautious but we got along just fine. I spent the best part of the day out there. We visited, I inspected the house, looked over the pinterest inspired projects and all in all had a lovely day. I must do it again sometime and not leave so long in between visits.

Me and the Bugs, just hanging out. I told you they are cuties!!

I spend some time working on the puppets for the craft sale. Right now, as it sits, I have four little ducks left  to make and I have enough for the show. I have, in the meantime, received an order from a school for 17 puppets. They use my little critters to help children to learn to love reading. This tickles me pinker than pink. I love to read and to think I have helped inspire that in a child is just so gratifying. This order is a boost to the "new carpet for my bedroom" fund.

Brown cow puppet, there are black and white cows too!!

Thursday I spend a good portion of the day with Teddy Bear putting down flooring in her grandchildren's room. We did her bedroom a while ago and so we knew what we were doing with this one. It actually only took us three hours to do the flooring once you minused out the one break we took.

I think it came out just fantastic. I wish I had taken a before picture. 

She treated me to lunch and then I headed home to get ready for The Banker, KitKat and Teddy Bear to come over for dinner and movie night. Not really a movie, we are watching the second half of season one of Outlander. We ordered pizza, The Banker brought popcorn and I supplied coffee and dessert. We had a great evening.

The weekend was No Cook Friday as usual, then the rest of the time was spent on errands. I was so proud of myself because for the first time in ages I brought the groceries in and did this:

Not only did I clean and chop the vegetables, I portioned out the meat into serving sizes before I froze it. Past history tells me that when I do this, I will use the stuff and not let it go bad as it my habit. Prep work done before hand  makes cooking easier after work when I am tired and not in the mood to make like a chef.

 Saturday night Teddy Bear and I went to see Mr Holmes (another movie) at the university theater. Sunday I did nothing but work on puppets and sleep. I found myself a cold somewhere along the way and its knocked the stuffing out of me. No immune system after the shenanigans with my leg this year so I think I will be up for getting every bug that goes around for a bit. 

Back to work on Monday and then I was off again today !! The Banker and I went to an art show. One of my friends, well lets call her the Artist, had a showing at a local art gallery. Local, as it was in another town. I missed going last year and did not want to miss it again. As we do, we made a day of it. We went early enough for lunch, then soaked in the art. She is one talented lady. Oil painting, photography, mixed medium stuff.  It was fabulous. I was so glad we went and she seemed very pleased we made the trip. We had a good day. Lunch out, a little shopping then the art show. Home before supper and I got to check out all she has done to her new place. (The Banker and her Sweet Baboo have moved in together so they are combining households.)

She is so super organized she nearly has the place all set up where the rest of us would still be living with boxes. She makes my head spin.

Back to work tomorrow. Oh the Joy!!!


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