Wednesday 26 November 2014

Scraptastic Weekend

It amazes me that for three days this last weekend I vaulted out of bed before 8:30 and worked until midnight, with no complaint, no resentment and no heaving of heavy heartfelt I'm so hard done by sighs. This is the difference between doing something you have to do and doing something you find really fun. The weekend was fun fun fun and I accomplished so much.

The Banker, Kitkat and I went to a scrapbooking weekend crop. I guess you could call it a convention but that is not really what it was. It was a group of us, scrapbook enthusiasts, getting together is a room and spending the weekend working on projects. No company sponsored event, just time and space to do your thing. I was making my Maritime vacation scrap books, The Banker was scrapbooking 2013 as she does all her pictures for the year in one album, and KitKat was working on an album of her Dad's 80th birthday. KitKat is a newbie but she is hooked now.

"follow me Grasshopper, I will teach you"

I have no idea how much money was in this room in the form of equipment, embellishments, paper, computer related printers, cutters. it was amazing. 

Twenty Six women, crafting their little hearts out for an entire weekend. We had a lovely time.
We can do whatever we please, the organizer of our little event does mosaic tile work for the weekend. She happily bashes tiles all weekend while we cut and paste. Last year I brought crocheting for a change of pace but not this year. There were a couple of crocheters in the group. I showed of my flower buttons and have a couple of potential customers. 

This was one hobby I was not going to get into, Oh no not me. I was happy to make greeting cards here and there but I was not buying any supplies and I was certainly not going to scrapbook. Its too expensive!! I am not going to fall victim, oh no not me!!! FAMOUS LAST WORDS. While I do attend these things with my two IKEA bags of stuff and make do without all the fancy schmancy equipment and storage items. I do not own enough stuff to stock a small craft store but I am in it hook line and sinker. I have a health stash of  materials to work with. I also love my scrapbooks. I love working on them and so its worth it.

When you go to something like this you learn new things, get new ideas and share with others. You borrow, you lend and you help. I have always loved the energy that is is a room when women gather to create. 

We started at noon on Friday and went until 3:00 pm on Sunday. KitKat and I went over to the Bankers for coffee. We all went out for supper then we headed home. 

I got two and a half albums made.New Brunswick and PEI have been scrapped and Nova Scotia is almost done. Go me. The only thing is I need some seagull stickers or as seagull stamp or something. Seagulls are freakin' hard to find. I am slow looking for lighthouses, and anchors. I have seashells a plenty. 

Fun weekend over and we are back to the normal grind. Winter has finally descended, with frigid temperatures and thankfully not too much snow so far. The light has sifted from the warm rich glow of autumn to the brittle chilly grey of winter. Scrape the car windows, shiver as the frozen fingers of wind sneak down your collar and up your sleeves. Curse the elements as your dress pants slap against your legs like sheets of ice. Burrrrrrrrr. All I want to do is curl up in my little house, stay warm and make stuff. Now is the time for making quilts, knitting wooly things and weaving. (Oh I am going to weave this winter, I have been too long from the loom) and spinning. (Another thing I am going to get at this winter) 

Not happening at the moment so I just need to get on with it. I have started to create the puppet stock that I will need for next years craft sale. I am zooming along on the flower buttons, and I am getting the quilt tops made. I am hoping my most current customer will like a top I have made but have never quilted. I made it for myself but now I am rethinking it. If she would be happy with it I would be miles ahead of the game. One quick picture and an email and I will have my answer. 

Tonight I need to get at the puppets again. I have some things to take care of and then I can make turtles, turtle puppets that is. 

I am off to create turtles!!


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