Sunday 15 March 2020

Time Keeps On Slipping into My Future

This has been an odd month, one full of big decisions,  impending life changes, a change of season in my life. A chapter is closing and I am moving into a new phase. AT MY AGE!!  I have been excited, thrilled, scared and numb all at the same time. BUT like most major things in my life, I have made my decision, its gonna happen and I am just hanging on with all my faith placed in the fact that it will all work out. I will be fine. In short, in 18 days I will be retired. EEK and HALLELUJAH. Mentally I will be fine, financially ................. remains to be seen but time will tell. Time will tell.

Yesterday I was determined I was going to get lots done, and in one way for me I did. I went and got groceries, thanks to this stupid  virus panic I did not get all that I ordered but I got enough. I went to the drug store and got a few more things, eggs, bread, Kleenex, a bag of chips but NO TOILET PAPER. Everyone is in a mad hoarding frenzy on the toilet paper. I am fine, (not that you need to know but what the heck?), I am just at the point where I would normally add it to the grocery list. I have faith that I will find some at some point and if I don't I have a back up plan.  I am not going to share that tidbit just yet so let's get back to my day. I did my errands and then got my breakfast as per usual and then I headed home. 

The first thing I did was I did manage to finally get the numerous bags out of my trunk. It may not look like lots but the picture does not show them all. They have been in my trunk for  2 weeks or more!!

Well I needed my trunk for groceries. On my way to pick them up I stopped here

At long last my trunk looked, once more, like this, littered with my grocery bags.

It feels so good to get that done and to have made myself do it for myself. Very freeing. I need to do so much more. Work in progress that's me.

I got home and the plan was I was going to eat breakfast, put away groceries, quilt for a bit and then get some housework done. Quilts suck me into a black hole, maybe that is not the right way to express the situation. I go someplace where time is suspended and I am  totally in my happy place. I did do some dishes and hauled the recycling out to the dumpster but other than that, the day was gone and I had the quilt almost finished. (It got finished today)

The flimsy was passed onto me by Busy. Her mom made it and never got it finished. I have finally gotten around to taking care of the quilting of it. Today, I can happily let you know,  its all finished and just needs a bath to get the chalk marks off of it. 

I love the old fashioned scrappy look of it. What about the 52 blocks quilt?? Glad you asked, its all done too. It needs a bath as well and then I will take some better pictures of the entire quilts, both of them..

I even got the label sewn on. I am hoping she does a label for the new quilt project. Row by Row Quilt as You Go.

These are the first two rows of that project. The next row comes out on this Tuesday. I so enjoy these quilt projects. Its fun to be part of a group and see what everyone else it doing.

I have discovered the Missouri Star Quilt Company on YouTube. I LOVE THEM!!!  They have marvelous tutorials and they have stuff to help you quilt better. I treated myself to these:

Templates to make marvelous quilt blocks. They have a couple of tutorials on how to use them. I have a few plans already, using these, so stay tuned, you never know what may show up here. I cannot wait to get going on them. Oh the possibilities!!!

I have been busy getting all the details organized for my retirement. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that I am not going to have to work. I have waited for this my entire adult life, (ok to be honest since the second day of grade one) and now its gonna happen in a few days. I already have been making plans and thinking of schedules and routines, and on the other hand I cannot totally let myself enjoy this because I am still not 100 % sure that I have gotten here, to this point in my life.  So much change but I am, as I said earlier, I am hanging on and moving foreward inspite of all my fears and second thoughts. I have a goal and I am going for it come hell or high water.

Tally HO!!!!


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