Saturday 9 November 2019

Frantic Catch Up

Well maybe not frantic but it is time for a catch up, its been a bit busy round here. Lets go back in time and start on Halloween shall we??

So on the morning of Halloween I woke up around 3:00 am with a hammering migraine. I don't get them very often. I used to get them rather often through my teens but as I aged they faded. Now they just pop up once in a while and remind me that I am not immune. I was not best pleased but with lots of laying down and quiet and not moving, some pain meds, it eventually went away, leaving me feeling sore and bruised but it was at last gone.

Halloween around here was a bust. As usual, hardly anyone put on their lights on my street.I am amazed that any children wander down my way.  I decorated a bit, not as much as I could do but I got some things out

I had a sad little string of pumpkin lights out as well. My big light up pumpkin and big black cat did not make it out this year. I have to get some fixing done on the basement door first. I has only five kids all night. It was very cold that night and that never helps matters. The last three that came to my place made out like bandits. Better them having the chocolate than I.

The next day was scrapbooking weekend. KitKat, The Banker and I look forward to this all year. I was so glad I was feeling better and could go. Thanks to The Banker I can participate. I could haul my stuff myself but by the time I got it all there, it would be time to come home. She acts as my Sherpa and I am able to get in on the fun. Have I ever mentioned how blessed I am?? Well I am.

We scrapped from 9:00 am to midnight on Friday and Saturday and then from 9:00 to 3:00 on Sunday. There were 47 of us for the weekend, some old familiar faces and some new. We did the silent auction and The Banker, KitKat and I donate some baskets of goodies for the cause.

The snowman basket had some chocolates, a candle holder and a Merry Christmas sign added to it. Most of the donations were things we had laying around and then we added some new stuff. It all helps raise money for a good cause. The weekend raised over a thousand dollars for the Safe and Warm shelter

We are doing the raffle again and had the prizes on display. It also raises a good chunk of money for the cause.

I made the patchwork quilt, Princess Diva made the star and her Mom made the ragtime quilt. Ticket sales have begun.

I took Monday off because I knew I would be exhausted and I was. We did our traditional Chinese food supper on Sunday night where Sweet Baboo and Teddy Bear join us. All in all its a wonderful weekend and I completely enjoy it.

Monday I puttered about putting the scrapbooking supplies away, had lunch out with KitKat and just generally lazed about. I was horribly stiff from so much sitting and the weather changes. All well worth it though.

The week its been back to work and back to normal, what ever that is. My house has suffered terribly with all the quilting and the scrapbooking. Its a disaster and the laundry has piled up like nobody's business. Today I made up my mind that I had to get at it and get it under control. I cannot continue to blindly ignore the mess. Its not healthy, mentally or otherwise.

This morning I did my usual groceries and breakfast then I got at it and started with the mountain of laundry and the kitchen. Aw the kitchen, my age old enemy. I did make a good dent in it all today. Five loads of laundry done, dishes washed, dishwasher emptied and reloaded, stove top shinned and polished, garbage bagged, recycle sorted and more things put away. Its a never ending job and it frustrates me because EVERYTHING takes me forever. Stupid sore legs and back. I know I'm not as bad as a lot of people but it frustrates me. It astounds me as well, things I never liked doing all that much I dream of doing pain free. Taking out the garbage, running things upstairs, making a trip to the basement, oh I could go on and on and bore you to tears. Poor poor me.

I am up to date on the quilt project

I am busy doing Christmas gifts and some other projects for other people. I am making lists of things I want to make for next year. Tomorrow will be more house work. A couple more loads of laundry and some crafty things. Monday I will watch the service from Ottawa on tv then head up to The Bankers for some binge watching of The Discovery of Witches and supper with the usual suspects.

I am thrilled that just this evening my throat is feeling scratchy, my nose is stuffy and I'm chilly. CRAP. I cannot get sick. I just can't.


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