Saturday 16 November 2019

Oh Yes, Another Week Has Gone

Wow the time is flying, mostly because I have plans to have book club here next Wednesday and my house needs a lot of work. Its coming along. I have puttered away at it and I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I have decided to have a lovely chest infection and head cold this week which means I have little to no energy and or will to do much else but lay on the couch and sleep when the spirit moves me.

Big accomplishment this weekend, I made it to Michael's. I have talked myself out of the trip for a few weeks but today I managed to make it there. Ok so there was a 55% off coupon and there was something I really wanted so that was incentive enough to get me up and moving. I will show you my treasure another day because currently its still in the car.

Except for the blur box and the sissors this is part of my haul. A flower punch, some stickers, some jewels, three pack of paper and the second album I will need to complete 2019. Since I seem to be unable to keep it to one scrapbook I will at least keep them to two of the same colour.

2019 is this pretty robin's egg blue. I do like it. Instead of getting at the housework, I placed the stickers in their appropriate places, revamped my embellishment list and got everything put away. The wee jewels just made this page, although they don't show up all that great in the picture.

My other big accomplishment to day was I made a trip to Shoppers. After all those shenanigans I was in for the day. Prescriptions were purchased, eggs and bread are at the ready for breakfast tomorrow. Its nice to get the errands done.  Teddy Bear popped over in the afternoon and brought me coffee. I love when she does that. We had a nice visit and then she had to get going. Its good to have some time to have some one on one time with our friends. Gives you a chance to talk about things that you can't in a group setting.

Tomorrow will be laundry, washing floors and working on some Christmas presents. I have a long list of things I want to make for that most favourite  occasion. I have my weekly quilt block to make and probably a million other things. By probably I mean definitely. I really have developed an amazing ability to ignore the obvious. Trying to change that habit.

It was the Christmas Parade tonight. They get ready on my street like the summer parade but for some reason, its not as much fun to watch it now as it is in the summer.  Could be because its dark, cold and I'm a wimp. At least it did not rain as they predicted.

So I am going to say goodnight. Not much of interest to share this time. Same old same old about my struggle with keeping the house decent and my usual routine. Oh well I would rather this quiet life than one filled with drama, drama, drama.


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