Sunday 12 February 2017

Quiet Weekend

Pot of homemade chicken soup simmering on the stove, the cats are snoozing, first load of laundry chugging away in the machine, dish washer emptied and loaded again, puppet production is on schedule so  all is well with the world. At least my little corner of it. Its been a lovely quiet weekend.

I have been home most of the weekend. I finally got the last of the Christmas stuff put away. I figured it was time since it is almost Valentine's day. I am not sure what is up with me lately but I sure do not do things like I used to. I just don't seem to care like I should. Oh well I am working on it. Christmas is away and I spent most of this weekend puttering around the house, putting lots of things away and straightening up others. I have done a lot and I have a lot more to do.

I realized last weekend that I needed a container for the infamous circle punches. As always my first thought is to head to the store and buy something. I am trying to reverse that habit, so I try to make myself think about what I need before I spend money that I should not. Shop the house before I shop the store. It was because of this that I remembered these

These two containers had been stuffed full of old crochet cotton. What to do with the crochet cotton, it has to go somewhere so I can put the punches in their new home. More thinking,  which made me remember this:

The Banker was getting rid of this container sometime ago, so I took it and I stuffed a bit of material into it just for the time being. Now it looks like this:

I found a new spot for the material and the crochet cotton fits perfectly. Because this is a narrow container it stands on end and slides into the spot the other two containers came out of with no problem. Hidden away in the craft room.

The circle punches have a proper container AND now I have an empty one as well just waiting to be the home for something in the future These containers have handles in the top so they are perfect for scrapbooking equipment.  All this without spending a dime !! Using things that I already have in the house!! When I take the time to think this stuff out and it works out like this it makes me so very happy. I am the first to admit, I think to buy something far to quickly. Gotta tighten the purse strings so I can get to Scotland. Small triumphs!!!

I have two days off this week. It will work out to a total of five with the long weekend. I have plans to do some things I have been putting off and to get some organizing done in the craft room. Maybe I will finish the 2016 scrapbook and get some pages added to my New Brunswick book. I already have a "to do" list made for those days. I have Teddy Bear's chairs to recover and a lampshade to recover and the list goes on and on. 

Craft sale prep is chugging along nicely. I have the little brown paper shopping bags purchased for putting the puppets into when they are purchased. Those 50% off coupons at the local craft store made that happen. I think I will get a couple of bundles if smaller ones for the people that will just buy dish cloths. I am making a point of taking advantage of those really good coupons when they come up. Giving those pennies all the pinches I can. 

So I am looking foreward to only three days of work this week. To having five days off and getting some things done around the house. I have not done much this week. Sort of just gave myself some days to do nothing, but now that needs to change. 

Now I need to change out the laundry and get back to puppets. I am one puppet ahead of schedule and I want to keep going. My fingers are still numb so I watch that I don't over do it but I need to work on them as much as I can since I am committed to the sale this fall. 

Hope you weekend is going well wherever you are.


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