Sunday 18 December 2016

And then the toaster oven died

Well its been busy around here and I still have a lot to do before the big day but I see light at the end of the tunnel. I am going slow but steady,  knocking things off the list one by one. I did not decorate like I usually do. I did not feel like it this year. I had wanted to put up the big tree and if I had done that I would have done the entire winder wonderland/santa palooza that I usually do. It was not going to work out this year so I decided against it.  Once that idea was knocked on the head, the momentum was done.

One tree is up, the nativity is out and there are a few bits here and there. The outside looks festive and I have found the big red outside ornaments that I will need for next year. Some of mine a broken and need to be replaced. I need to find new outside lights for next year too. I am still on the lookout for a light up plastic snowman for the front. I have a candle but I want a snowman.

Crafty things are still happening.What a surprize that is in this house!!New things are happening. One of them is I made a bottle sweater for a friend at work. I did not have a pattern but I had a description of what she wanted. I am rather pleased with the results but I would make a few changes on the next one.

I will be making more as a co-worker was shown this and wondered if I could a snowman themed one. The little brain cells started snapping and I have a great idea for the next one.

We were chatting at work one day about childhood memories and someone mentioned ribbon candy. Or "old lady" candy as the youngen's in our office refer to it. I went and got myself some. I loved this stuff as a child and turns out I still like it

This stuff, nuts in the shell, Spanish peanuts and Japanese oranges where the big treats in our house at Christmas time and usually were what we got in our stockings. I did not buy a lot but just enough to bring the memories back.

I had forgotten the cookie exchange at work until supper time the night before. I have no idea how I did it but I did. Thank goodness I remembered in time to get these made:

eight dozen for the exchange and a roll of the frozen dough to bake off for my family. Where my head is some days I have no idea.

It has not just been baking around here. I have been crafty as well. I made some more Christmas cards

I made some camera critters for the Hummingbird. What are they you ask, Well they are little animals you slip over the lens of your camera to get some little ones attention. She found them on the internet and wondered again if I could make some.

She was pleased and that is all that I am aiming for. Happy customers!!

Today I did this for my Secret Santa exchange at the office. I appliqued the top last night and I got all the trees sewn but when I went to do the trunks, the machine would not zigzag. Dang!! so I finished it by hand and quilted it today

I had promised myself that I would make a couple of Christmas runners last year to have as last minute gifts, but did I do it?? NO! I made this one at the last minute when I should have been making cookies and candied pecans, butter tarts and schnakens. Oh well. It will all get done one way or the other.

I decided to do one last final list. combine was was not done on the other lists with the new things I need to get dome. I had a little trouble or a little help which ever way you want to look at it.

Apparently pet the kitty is item one on the list.

I am going to wrap presents to night, finish the laundry and then this coming week finish off the baking that needs to be done. It will all get done one way or the other, it always does.

Michael's and their 50% off coupons got me again as I was in the store getting some yarn for a few project. They have such good yarn sales at this time of year and I have monkey hats and bottle cozy's to make that I can work on over the holidays. I also got these;

My round punch collection is complete. I have decided that that is my Christmas present to myself. I usually get myself something each year and this is something I wanted and I have used and will use. I bought the star punch for the same reason, I had a coupon and I will use it. I won't need every size like I did with the round, thank goodness.

This week the car goes back to the garage to get winter tires. I made myself afford them. I at last got the headlight fixed and got it winterized. I have never had winter tires but everyone says they make a big difference so as my car really needed tires I went for it. Did not have much of a choice.

SO the sewing machine is acting up, and the toaster oven is finished. the revenue office still has not sent me my tax refund  After Christmas I am going to have to remind them again they owe me money. The roof needs shingles and as I watch the frost build up inside on the windows I know those need to be replaced as well. Like the Christmas preparations this too will get done. all of it, one way or another.

I am off to wrap presents and no doubt have a wrestling match with the cats as I try to get that job finished.


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