Sunday 20 November 2016

Tea and Cookies and Sunday Thoughts

I love little frozen cookies. The ones that are preformed, frozen and ready to pop into the toaster oven for tea and fresh baked cookies whenever you want. I am indulging myself even as we speak. Hot milky tea and fresh baked cookies. Makes me almost forget that I have yet to have supper. Proper supper but I will be for too much longer. As much as I would like to I cannot live on cookies alone.

This has been a good week. Not much going on during the week. It was quiet and I was extra tired for some reason but that happens now and then. So most evenings are spent at home, cat naps and very little housework done.

We tried out a brand new restaurant for No Cook Friday. Wonderful, delicious food but rather expensive. Its definitely one of those places that we will save for the special occasions. $30.00 for pasta and chicken with no booze is a bit much in my world. I may not be super thrifty but I have my limits.

Saturday I was up and out early, ran a couple of errands, came home a did a few things to finish up a Christmas gift I am making, then I headed to a trade show with The Banker and KitKat. It was to raise funds for the local Safe and Warm shelter. My quilt and Princess Diva's mosaic star plus her Mom's rag time quilt were part of a raffle. We had raised $1045.00 before the ticket sales at the trade show. I was so pleased. That total  also included funds from the bucket raffle at our scrapbooking weekend. I am rather proud of how well we did. I don.t know the final total yet but I was really glad I could help out.

We three went for a quick bite to eat then scattered to the winds. I started crocheting on my recent orders and did the odd bit of housework until I went out for supper with TeddyBear and then on to see Hacksaw Ridge. Very good movie, and I am not a big war movie fan. This one was very good and based on a true story. Coffee afterward then home and to bed.

I made these for the Banker to give her Great Granddaughters for Christmas:

I cannot make this picture rotate but you get the idea. Sock monkey hats for her little monkeys. I think they turned out cute. I like sock monkeys.

Today was the usual late breakfast eaten while watching Coronation Street. Then it was laundry, some house work and more crocheting. I finally got started on this project:

I have to make one more character for The Hummingbird to go with this book but I at least got it started. I need to get some yellow yarn. All the yarn in this house and I still have to go buy more. Sigh.  I have been very slow at getting this under construction. I have more puppets to make for the Teacher, two more sock monkey hats to make and then I have some stuff to go for myself.

Ok I am going to say good night. I have written a final paragraph three times and its just not something to be shared here. So I will say, I hope you had a lovely weekend and go scramble some eggs. That way I can say I did have supper.


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