Sunday 13 November 2016

Been Scrappin'

This is one of my favourite weekends in the year. Its the Scrapbooking weekend, where The Banker, KitKat, KitKat's sister, and I  join a bunch of other ladies and we scrapbook our selves silly. This weekend we got an extra day because of Remembrance Day. Its fun. Pure and simple as that. Its fun. There is a special energy in a room when women gather to create. I was also so proud that we took the time at the 11th hour on the 11th day to honour those who fought for our freedom. Leonard Cohen reciting In Flanders Field will bring tears to your eyes.

I took Thursday off so I had the morning to do those last minute errands, finish packing and then go for lunch. We could get in the building at 2:00 pm so we wanted to be there and lay claim to our spot. Its a tradition now that we have a lovely lunch first and then get to our scrapbooking.

We hauled in out stuff and staked our claim in the same spot we have always been in. There were over 40 of us this year, we put in full days and have a blast. We trade ideas, offer suggestions, tease, giggle, share and make some lovely scrapbooks. We eat too. We are fed super well by the lovely ladies that cater the event and we have snacks. One would think the we were never going to have access to a grocery for the whole weekend. The buffet table has expanded this year to two chairs. we did have carrot sticks and snow peas this year along with the chips and chocolate.

I am so pleased with what I got done. 59 pages of ,memories made. I have now decided that I will do an album each year from now on. I like doing it so this seems a good plan. Doing event albums is fun but doing a year each time is good too. It works better for me.

I cannot imagine the value of all the stuff in this room. Thousands of dollars in paper alone, not to mention the embellishments, equipment and computers. Wow. My three Ikea bags look a little sad but I don't do enough to justify the fancy stuff. I think I spend a lot as it is. Not to mention I usually come home with a list of things I would like to get and a few more ideas about how to organize it and transport what I need each year.

I have my 2016 album done as far as I can AND I got a Christmas gift done. All in all a wonderful weekend. The Banker, KitKat and I went out for Chinese food after we helped clean up, packup and hauled our stuff home again. we had some auction items at the event and the quilts/mosaic star raffle tickets were on sale. So far this has raised over $400.00 for the local safe and warm shelter. So grateful for that.

Now its time to get back to work. I hope to get things back on an even playing field this week. I have much to do and Christmas is a comin'. Getting crafty and organized are an important thing!!


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