Thursday 13 January 2022

One Step at a Time

 Ok I am on the mend, of that there is no doubt. Its not going as fast as I would like it to and I get impatient with how tired I feel all the time but I am making myself focus on the fact that I am soooo much better than I was at this time last month. I hate that I am always in pain but that is not going away so I accept it.

I am continuing to putter away at getting the house to where it should be and to where I like it. I have to admit having the house tidy has made a world of difference to my mood and state of well being. I now need to find a project to work on, Crafting is a big part of me and I have not done anything for a very long time. I may just start to knit some mitts for Busy. She would like some red ones and I have a pattern that I want to try out.

I had one of my best ideas ever the other day. As I am trying to get the craft room organized, I came across a perennial problem, scraps of quilt batting. They are too big to throw away and I do use them but they take up a lot of space.

This is not even all of it, I have another bag stuffed full of the stuff. I have no place to store it. This is when I had my brain wave. I saw on YouTube that Dollartree sells large vacuum sealed storage bags. They DO!! $1.25 and they work rather well. I got some and stuffed all my stash into two of them.

On the left is the one after being vacuumed and the one on the right is prevacuum. I was thrilled

I now have it all in two reasonably small packages, Its easy to store and it will stay clean and I can reseal them when I need to. I think this is one of my better ideas I have ever had. Plus I actually have a spot to store them in a closet in the craft room. No longer stuffed behind the chairs in the living room BONUS!!

The craft room is coming along. There still is too much stuff piled into too small of a room but it looks far better than it did awhile ago.

I don't know if you can see the difference but I can and it feels easier to think in this room now things are getting put into their proper places.

I went to sew myself a new cover for my kitchen aid mixer. Mice had eaten most of the old one. Well I discovered that my sewing machine was not functioning. A teeny tiny piece had come detached in the bobbin area and needs to be fixed. Dang it! Thank goodness I have this little beauty. My Featherweight. I just love this little machine, I found out that she was made in October 1952 and still works wonderfully.


Thanks to having her as back up, I got a new cover sewn up in no time at all. 


I got my bath chair yesterday, thanks to Amazon. My house is really starting to look like an old lady house these days, walkers, grab bars and bath chairs but hey it is what it is. I am entering a new phase of my life and these are the tools that I need to function. No point in fighting it, lets just roll with it all.

Well I need to find my mitt pattern and get it printed out. I am not sure what else I am going to do today. I have ordered pictures, dealt with some paper work and done some cleaning in my bedroom. Its good to be productive.

Toodles Linda

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