Saturday 8 January 2022

Its Been a Minute

 In theory I am in my sewing room cleaning and purging as it has yet again gotten out of hand and needs to be beaten into submission. In reality I am taking some time to do a blog post because its been a minute since I last posted anything, I have had an interesting December, one in which I scared the beejeebus out of everyone I know and myself most of all.

I got sick, really sick, the don't mess around get to the hospital sick and I did not realize it. I'm not going to go into deep detail as I am sure I have told everyone and his dog the story, suffice it to say I am more grateful than I can ever say to my wonderful friends who watch over me. They came, they saw, they called the ambulance and I was in the hospital before I knew it. I stayed there for two weeks while I got back on my feet. I am home again and while I have come a long way, I am still weak and tired and I play out very easily. 

The Carpenter and Busy came to stay with me after I got home and worked like rented mules cleaning my house. All I can say is it was a filthy mess but its not that way anymore. The last three years have been harder on my that I realized and I let things get on top of me. I knew it was happening but it was just so much easier to ignore the day to day things one should do. Skim the surface and keep the black hole I had fallen into a secret than to face it all.  

I am so very blessed with my family and my friends. I have no idea what I did to deserve them but I am grateful beyond measure that they are part of my life. So many thing happened here, the house has been cleaned, grab bars have been installed, a recliner now lives in my living room and a new higher toilet is in situ. They are coming back at month end to enlarge the shower for me. They are far more generous to me than I deserve.

This has all been done without and criticism or blame, just help and support. I am so grateful for that. I learned a long time ago one cannot die of embarrassment no matter how hard you try. I know how bad things got and I know I let it happen. This whole incident scared me to the core and I need to pull myself up by the boot straps and take better care of myself and my house. So things are in motion and I am starting on a new path. One that will be a better plan than the last one I had.

So now I am taking things one day at a time, doing what I can to keep on with the getting the house under control again. To that end I should get going on this craft room,. Looking at it all makes me want to run ten miles but I just need to do a little at a time and before I know it, it will be done,

Hopefully I get back to blogging regularly again.

Toodles, Linda

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda, so sorry to hear how sick you have been. Thank goodness for your wonderful friends and family. True friends come to help not to judge. Hopefully, with the changes in your house, it will be easier for you. Look after yourself and that craftroom will get done all in good time!! Take care.
