Sunday 9 February 2020

Scraptastic Weekend

I was getting my scrap on this Saturday with KitKat and The Sailor. The Banker was to be with us but sadly her father-in law passed away and she had to go with her Sweet Baboo to tend to family things. Its what you do for the ones you love. We missed her. We had a fun weekend.

Road trips with friends mostly always a good time. When you are spending the day doing something you all enjoy its a win win situation. Thankfully I have friends that will help me haul my stuff. Scrapbbooking is not a very easily transported hobby. I got my stuff pared down as much as I possibly could and it was still a ton of stuff. Last weekend I picked out all my paper, tried to take a little as possible but it was still two Ikea bags, and three other smaller containers. Its just so much fun though. We went from 10:00 am to 9:30 pm. Its $35.00 for the day and you get snacks and lunch with coffee provided.We buy are own supper but really is a pretty reasonable price for an entire day of entertainment.

But as I said I am blessed and the other two helped haul my stuff and I could be part of the fun. I would not trade this circle for anything. In no time at all they had us all in and we were set up and ready to scrap. I usually bring some snacks of my own and I was very proud on myself that I finally got smart and went the healthy route. Grape tomatoes, baby carrots, and cheese. I usually ingest far too much sugar at these events. I have decided to knock that off. I feel so much better today for not having eaten my body weight in sweet things.

I almost got my 2019 album finished. I have to print out a few pictures and get some embellishments and I will be done. I have already started to gather stuff for my 2020 album. I will get it the last of 2019 all done when I am off on vacation this month. I have a number of crafty projects to tend to on the week away from work.

BIG BIG NEWS for me!!! I gave my official retirement date this last week. Its terrifying and exciting all at the same time. I cannot wrap my head around not having to go to work each day. I have worked steady since I was 18 and I am so looking forward to being in charge of my own time. I just hope I can afford to continue to stay at home. Time will tell.

So I have a countdown app activated on my phone and I take great joy in checking it out everyday. So many things I think "oh I have to book that day off work" or I have to figure out when I want vacation and I don't have to do that anymore. I can go to visit my family in the middle of the week if I wish. Its all a learning curve. The habits of a lifetime are being changed.

Not much else is happening around here. The usual, work, out for suppers twice a week, once with KitKat and once with the No Cooks. Errands, housework, crafty stuff, you know the usual. One thing that is a positive, I am at long last purging the closet and bagging up the clothes that are no longer fit for public usage to be sent to the textile recycling program. I have two bags so far and more to come. Its long past being needed to be done and it feels good to be getting this stuff out of the house.

I have five quilt tops that need to be turned into quilts. I thought it was only three but there are more. I have lots of yarn that needs to be turned into warm things for donation to the safe and warm program. I have an entire house that needs a serious cleaning so I expect I will manage to keep myself busy.

I am looking forward to my upcoming week of staycation but then when am I not looking foreward to not be working? Soon soon soon that is all gonna change. Squeee

Well I hear the couch calling my name for my regular Sunday afternoon nap. Oh I love a good nap.


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