Thursday 20 February 2020

Rockin' the Staycation

Last week went by in an exhausted blur. Last week before a week off, super busy at work, I was too pooped to pop by the time I got home.  Blogging was not high on the list. This week is much better. I am using up some of my last vacation days and am having a staycation. I would love to go somewhere but money is an object.  PLEASE do not get me wrong, staying home is one of my most favourite things to do. So I am not having a pity party, I am a happy bunny. I like being at home and I like being on my own schedule. I think I have mentioned that several thousand times.

Honestly its lovely to get up, do the things you choose to do. When the wind chill is -41 you can stay onside. Its fabulous. If you want to go out you can, during the day and not after work when everything is so busy.

Believe me I have been rockin' the staycation. It seems that I have done nothing but laundry. I started it on Monday and I am still working on it today. I am washing all the bedding on two beds from mattress covers to bed spreads, I am doing towels, cleaning rags and every item of clothing I think I own. I am sorting clothes to go to recycle and being the daughter of my dear Mom, I am washing it all first. My little dryer takes forever to dry big things so that is slowing down the process but its getting done and that is the best thing.

I made a list of things to do while I was off this week but I seriously over estimated my energy level so needless to say I have not even accomplished half of it. Some has been done, some will be done and some will keep til a later date.

On this last weekend I was so stiff and sore. I felt like someone had been using my legs and back for batting practice. I did not do a lot of moving around but I did knit I worked on my donation project.

I now have five hats and five scarves knit up. I have not even dented my yarn stash but its fun to do and keeps me busy. The Safe and Warm shelter will  be glad of them as well.

I managed to get to Fabric land and got the material for the back of my quilt. I got that washed and yesterday I settled in to  begin to quilt it.

The next Facebook quilt project came out on Tuesday and since I think I will do it as well, I need to get this one finished. Quilting is a most beloved pass time. Find a Netflix series to binge watch and I am as content as can be.

Other than this not much is happening around here. Crafty things, lots of laundry and the odd bit of housework. Same old same old.


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