Sunday 25 September 2016

Sunday, Rainy Sunday

The Hostess just left.  She popped in and brought me breakfast.Sweet thing that she is.  We had a natter, ate breakfast, drank coffee and I hemmed a pair of jeans for her. Lovely way to start a rainy Sunday. I don't get to see her often so it was very nice to catch up on all the news that is the news. She is now off running errands and I am putting off getting the laundry started.

I had a week of work under my belt and I can say that the weekend was a welcome reward. It gets harder and harder to get back at it every time I have time away. I really am getting to the end of my shelf life as far as working goes. I am ready to be put out to pasture. I just need to be able to afford to stay in the pasture!!

I have no idea why I am going to share this picture but since next to no one reads this blog, I am not really embarrassing myself on the world wide web. My kitchen and I have had a battle royal going on for some time now. I cannot seem to keep it clean. Well yesterday we went another round. It was a blood bath but I won!! It started out looking like this:

OMG I really am a mystery to myself. I hate it looking like this but the table is just a dumping ground for any and all as I come in the back door. The wine bottle project contributes to the mess and the containers are a whole 'nother battle in itself. So I rolled up my sleeves and got stuck in. I had a deadline. Teddy Bear and I were off to the show to see Snowdon so I had to get it done, I could not put it off. I am happy to say that it know looks like this:

Will it stay this way? That is
doubtful but for the moment it is the way I like it best. Dishes done, garbage out, recycle out. All is well with my world. I now have room to start purging the containers and the serving platters. I can put things on the table as I sort them and decide what stays and what goes. So much to do and the list never ends. I have cleaned it up with an eye to making in a mess again right shortly. The never ending cycle of this poor kitchen I am afraid. (One of these days I want to replace that table with a lovely wooden one, maybe reclaimed wood, just sayin')

Yesterday Teddy Bear around noon and asked if I wanted to go to the show. Well twist my rubber arm. We went and saw Snowdon, then we went for supper, then for coffee so my Saturday changed from a day of cleaning and purging into a day of some of that but fun times with a friend as well. I love when that happens. My friends are very dear to me so getting to spend time with them is right at the top of my favourite things to do.

Today it going to be laundry and some mending for friends. Working on quilts and finishing the knitted baby blanket. I have two sets of hats and scarves to do for the Hostess's grandson. I went and got the supplies yesterday so I will get them going today. Rain outside, tv watching and crocheting sounds just perfect to me. I need to make soup for lunches next week. The Sailor, Teddy Bear and I are going to a movie at the local university tonight and that should round out my weekend.

I still have not found the shed key. Its in this house somewhere and I will find it. I just hope its before I have to get someone to come a cut the lock off the shed. I am so annoyed with myself because I am better with my keys than this usually.

Off to throw the laundry down so I can at least get that on the go before the pull of my chair and the tv win the fight and I take that day of rest thing to heart.


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