Thursday 1 June 2023

I Have no Excuse so lets move on

Yes its been a minute but I plan to be back here more regular in future. So lets forget the gap and move on. I actually have things to talk about for once. Busy and the Carpenter were here and worked like rented mules once again for me. He finished the upstairs bathroom and I have to say it lovely

 I just love it and have had nothing but compliments on it. Busy took a round out of my yard and got it looking like someone actually cares about it.

I really cannot thank them enough for all they have done. She cleaned up the back bed a well and I had planned to get woood chips for it up my next door neighbour asked if he could plant some vegetables in there and I would not have to pay him to mow my lawn. Win win so he is using the space and I don't have to buy wood ships or pay for mowing. Its all good.

I am amazed each year at how quickly the green comes back in  spring. One minute nothing and the next leaves are out and the Hostas and pushing out of the ground. The peonies are reaching for the sun and the birds are singing. Its wonderful. Busy arranged my veranda so I can get my walker down to my bench with no problem so coffee on the veranda is once again a thing at this house. 

Speaking of morning coffee one thing we do when Busy and the Carpenter visit is one of them make coffee first thing in the morning and we sit and chat over a fresh brew to start the day. It is one of my favourite things that we do. Its a nice little ritual to start the day.

Well I need to go do some laundry. 

Toodles, Linda

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