Monday 14 October 2024


 Blogger is getting harder and harder for me to sign into. One of these days I’m not going to be able to get in here. Any way I’m here now so I might as well make a post. 

So what have I been up to to. I’m still managing to crochet even with my numb fingers, so my table runn er is coming along nicely.

I am really liking the look of it. Considering I was given the cotton it’s turning into a lovely freebie.

I will try knitting one of these days. I know I’m repeating myself. It’s an easy thing to do when nothing much new happens in your life.

I do know there are some things on my wish list that I hope to do again one of these days. Ok I’ll share the wish list. I know you are sleepless with wondering what more could she want??? Well here is the list….

I want to rock a baby to sleep. I just love doing that, holding that precious bundle as they melt bonelessly into your chest, completely trusting that you will keep them safe, free from harm. It’s the best.

I want to sit in a bath, up to my neck in hot scented water and stay there until I have completely shrivelled into a prune from head to toe.

I want to eat fish and chips in Ireland one more time.

I have never done this but I want to, I want to take a rv and go on a long extended trip across country.

I want to take my own car and go for a drive.

I want to sleep in my own bed in my own room

I want to hold a needle and quilt a quilt

I want to take a trip where I have to go by plane

And mostly at the moment I would like to sleep for more than two hours at a stretch.

There is probably more but right now that’s the big list. It’s not a big ask is it??

Toodles Linda 

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