Saturday 10 September 2016

Saturday Snipits

It is slow and steady progress around here. Accent heavy on the slow but at least its progress.

I got my bedroom cleaned. That in itself was a major feat. As its half demoed for decorating (and has been for years) I tend to ignore the mess as its under construction. Well even I have my limits so it got a going over the other day. Made a heck of a difference in the place. In honor of Autumn, I popped an extra quilt on the bed. A bed that had its bedding washed and dried in the sun from the mattress cover to the top spread.  I even got an idea to redo two of the decorative pillows that live on the bed. They need a bit of an update.

Double batch of laundry soap had been cooked up, I will be happily washing clothes for some time with 10 gallons of laundry soap ready and waiting. I have three inches left to knit on the Wee Girl's project. I need to get it ready to mail for Monday as I have several things to mail and with my postal issues, one trip is probably gonna be it. I have misplaced the shed key so instead of any yard work being accomplished a lot of fruitless searching has been happening.

Today I popped up to The Bankers house and her Sweet Baboo cut some boards for me. I have all my family pictures on top of  book cases in my bedroom but they are currently propped up on magazines because the case tops are not level. These boards will level them and I will no longer have to look at the frames staggering about like drunken sailors. Not to mention I can add more frames as I wish because the whole top will be solid.

I hung this little home sign up. I love it.

I also did this. I bought this little tray last weekend, half price. dull and drab but full of potential. Some paint. some wrapping paper from Ikea and it has a new lease of life.


dark, dull and dreary.


I was so pleased with the end product, I mailed pictures to my friends, I posted it on the internet. I was tickled, then later on I noticed this:

The paper had folded itself over and the seriously sad thing is that I checked it before I sealed it all up again. Apparently I checked it with half an eye. Many swear words later. I pulled it all apart, fixed the corner and now the 1960's fake wood panel board is totally hidden forever.

I FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY painted the shed door. A year ago it looked like this:

I did get the primer on it but never seemed to get it painted. Today I finally painted it. Nothing fancy just plain white.

Fresh and clean, bright and white. The little last mosaic tile project has been installed. One more job ticked off the list.

So like I said, slow and steady progress.The wine bottle project may just be next on the list!!


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