Saturday 17 September 2016

Saturday Snipets

So here I sit, wrapped in my ratty old black sweater, with a big mug of tea, trying not to be too sad that its the second last day of my staycation. I am also thinking I may need to root up something more for supper, a dish of watermelon just may not cut it. Work resumes on Monday and I am not best pleased. I am trying desperately to change my attitude, but I still have that Sunday night and its school tomorrow feeling.

So lets not dwell on that for now, lets move on to projects that have been worked on, some finished, some started. That will take my mind off things for a bit. Ok? now where to start??? Well lets start with the Wee Girl. She is a favourite of mine. I first made this sweater for my oldest great niece and nephew many moons ago. I love it. I thought it would be just the thing for the Wee Girl's first birthday gift.

I found this nice burnt orange yarn and thought it was perfect for this Halloween sweater. There is a cute little matching hat as well.

I made it in the biggest size so she can get a few years of wearing it under her belt. I think it looks as cute on her as it did on her cousins all that time ago.

A little big but she will grow into it.

Today I finally felt like tackling the wine bottle project. It was a lovely warm day so after groceries were purchased and I had spent a bit of time knitting I hauled 45 wine bottles out of my kitchen to the back yard and I planted them with my trusty rubber hammer.

It was very sunny so getting a reasonable picture was not easy. This is the short side of the flowerbed. Yes I know the line is not straight and I did curve the corners on purpose. I have finally come to grips with the fact that I do not do perfect, its not in my wheelhouse. You can still see the landscaping timber at the edge. I will remove it in time. At the end where the dumpster is sitting, I have a plan for something there. I just need to find it again. Another case of I should have snapped it up when I saw it the first time. When will I learn?

I think I need about 30 more wine bottles to finish across the front of the bed. I have about that many more still in the kitchen but I need to remove the labels from them. I am happy with the results. Cheap and cheerful. It makes a nice little edge for the flower bed and it did not cost me a penny. I have had ever so many people donate their empty bottles to my cause. I was so grateful to get this done today. I finally have no wine bottles on my kitchen table at the moment. I have some in boxes on the floor but they are not all over the table. They are out in the flower bed where they belong and I say hallelujah!!

I have been knitting, getting my scrapbooking supplies organized for my weekend in November when the Banker, KitKat and I scrapbook ourselves silly for three days. I have been doing laundry, stocking the pantry and trying to mark off more things on my "to do" list. My days have been filled with puttering and pottering about, doing this and that, resting and relaxing.  Its been a lovely staycation. It was not the trip to Scotland that I had originally planned but it was still days where I was on my own schedule. I rather like that in case I have not mentioned it before.

I left a cushion form on the dining room table in all innocence. I thought it would be safe there until I decided how I wanted to cover it. Well someone is keeping it warm for me.

But its so nice and soft Mama.

Tomorrow I have promised myself I can start the new quilt for my bedroom. I will finish the Safe and Warm donation quilt top. I will work on the next Blarney Night donation quilt but I will finally start the one for me. I have finally settled on a pattern that suits me. Oh yes tomorrow will be a good day.


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