Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Bits and Pieces

I am late at getting a post put together, for the same old reason, I am not sure it I have anything of any interest to post about. So instead of trying to be interesting and thought provoking I will fill you in on a few little things, bits and pieces of the day to day details of my life

I quilted the last of the flimsies that were waiting in a pile to be turned into quilts. The last one was a pig themed quilt gifted to me by a friend. It was the last in the pile to be attended to and I am happy to say its done. 

 I have not taken the final portrait of the full quilt but I will. Its done and waiting to have its bath and picture taken. I will keep it downstairs and use it as an extra blanket for the couch.

I made myself a table runner for the kitchen. I used my "good" fat quarters and spend the afternoon yesterday and today whipping up this little number.

I am rather fond of this ribbon pattern and am happy with the results. I do have a thing for table runners, I like to make them and I like to use them.

I got to use one of my new toys on this runner. I bought quilt binding clips. No, I did not need them, I have load of pins that will do the job just nicely, However these little clips tickle my fancy so I bought a few. I do like them

I have decided for the time being just to paint my kitchen counter. I will replace the counter top at some point but for now this is a more economical fix. I have also decided I want to repaint the stairs. I love my rainbow stairs but they have had their day, time for a change. So I think I have made the colour choices for both projects. In time they will happen.

I still continue to work on the organizing but damn, am I slow. Some days I wish I had a minion just to buzz round and put things away. It would be a wonderful leap forward. Put things away and take some things to donation and I would feel like a new woman. Well I just need to get on with it myself, because I cannot have anyone it at the moment. My designated visitor already has a full plate and does not need to be doing stuff for me that I can and should do for myself. I will just keep poking away at it and it will eventually get done. Slow and steady wins the race, emphasis on the slow.

I am trying to figure out how to get a few bedding plants and that is about it for me and the excitement around here.



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