Saturday 9 July 2016

Inspite of the Rain

I have come to believe that when I make a hard and fast plan to do yard work on the weekend, it decides to rain. Rain it did today, thunder, sheets of the wet stuff, all of which sent Desi scurrying to hide under the sewing table. He is a big 'fraidy cat that boy.

I have so many plans for the yard and so little ambition to actually do them that when I make up my mind that something is actually gonna get done, its frustrating when Mother Nature pitches a snit and tries to do in my plans. (yes it is all about me!!). I admit I was tempted to find a book and park myself on the couch for the day but I didn't.

I fooled her today, I got some stuff done inspite of the rain. I long ago figured out that I am not made of sugar so I so not melt if I get wet. After groceries and breakfast this morning, I decided that at the very least, moving the hosta might be a good idea. It would be easier to dig it out of the flower bed in the back since the rain had soaked the ground. I did not realize how big it was or how heavy that sucker was going to be. I was tempted to leave it where it was but I managed to get it out, into a container and dragged it to the front of the house. Huffing and puffing all the way.

I got a hole dug in the front bed and heaved, shoved and plunked the new hosta into its new home. I hope it will root and thrive. Its so big and healthy, I would hate to think that moving it killed it.

My symmetry loving self thinks this big new plant should be flanked by another variegated hosta for balance but I am telling myself that three different ones looks just fine. I need to add an edging in front of the bed. I just need to finish the one I started when I put in the flower beds originally. Putting that plastic stuff in is hard to do when you are doing it on your own, its all curled up and acts like its alive while you try to dig it in. Best of all, now my front hosta bed is complete. Providing they all live.

I next tackled some of the trees. I borrowed loping shears from The Banker and I planned to make the best of them. One thing on the hit list was this.

When I go to back my car out of my yard and look down the alley to see what is coming, this is my view, Trees trees and more trees. Makes entering the alley an adventure. These trees belong to the house next door which is currently a rental and does not get much maintenance. I took the law into my own hands today and now it looks like this

At least now I can see before I back out. I had great fun with the loping shears. My next attack was this. Trees that insist on growing up through the fence from the yard next door and shade my rhubarb plants. It they are left to do as they please  they are going to ruin my fence. Not happening.

I should have been at them long before to day but you know "the best laid plans" and all that. Several snips with the shears and this is the result.

I would love to get on the other side and snip the rest of them down but I decided maybe that was pushing it. Its not my yard. I also chopped off a tree in the front that was growing in the middle of the lilacs. I had just finished piling the branches in a  bunch to be hauled away later when the heaven's opened once more and poured down. I had hoped to clean out the jungle that you can see in the right side of the picture, but I decided enough was enough. I took my damp self back into the house.

That over grown space is the space between the fence and my shed , it needs to be chopped down. There are boards in there that I want to lift, put a thick layer of paper down and then return the boards. I hope this will  keep the jungle foliage from returning as quickly as it likes to, Once that is done I can finally paint the last wall of the shed . I still need to paint the door. Its primed but not painted.  I also want to snip off the suckers that are sprouting like mad around the big maple tree that lives in the back yard. They also like to worm their way through the fence and that is not good. I hope to do some of this tomorrow. If not then some time this week.

I am pleased I got something done. Its not much but at least its something. I retreated to the house and a treat of watermelon for my efforts. Followed but time spent knitting and a wee nap for good measure.

Before I forget, I need to share my wonderful gift that I received this week. Some time ago I had asked a wonderfully talented friend to paint me something. I gave her a few things I wanted and she went to town. This is the result

I love it!! The cottage, the sheep, and the wee pig. I want to live there. She would not take a penny for it and I totally intended to pay her for it. That was why I ordered it. I will have to think of something else to pay her back for her generous gift. I have a plan already but I need to get the details organized. For those of you that are wondering, yes I did have a spot to hang it up!! Smarty Pantsers!!

Back to the yard plans, I  now think I would like to dig out the front flower beds and add new dirt. I need to finish digging the back bed, make the wine bottle boarder, trim up the big maple tree and widen the sidewalk,  A trip to the city dump to gather some free wood chips is also on the list. I want to trim up the lilacs and pull out all snow on the mountain that has grown in and around them. I. will get plants bit by bit and then once and for all get the place looking as nice as I can get it.

I am tickled pink that my little shrub that I planted last week is blooming it pretty pink blossoms.

I have such hopes that after three attempts maybe this one will actually live!!


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