Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Watched the Remembrance Day Ceremonies from Ottawa today, like I usually do. I could go to the services here but I prefer to stay home, watch and remember. So many people turned out today which is wonderful. We should not take for granted all the freedoms we have and the sacrifices of others that have been made so we can enjoy them.

The rest of the day was spend puttering about doing a little of this and a little of that. I did manage to get two pots of soup made.

One chicken vegetable and the other a hamburger soup. I will freeze some for lunches. It felt good to actually get it made since I have been thinking about it for some time. I am the master of thinking on things but never quiet doing them. I am going to try to be better about having lunch stuff on hand. Its so much better all the way around, financially and healthy wise.

I also worked on laundry. My goal is to have all the piles of laundry that have been on the dining room floor for longer than I care to admit, finished today. I made 20 more button flowers and I got the dishes done at last. A nice long nap rounded out the day. Back to work tomorrow.

Woke to a skiff of snow today. The wind was cold but thankfully it did not continue to snow. Time to move up to the warmer coat and get the gloves out. I did not go out today, I stayed, snug in my house, thinking thoughts of the past, missing my Dad and trying not to think about work tomorrow.

Best go ladle the soup into containers and get it into the freezer.


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