Well I like to tell myself it was a busy week but I am really not too sure where the time went. Somehow or other the week slipped by. Month end at the office, which usually sucks the life out of me. Teddy Bear and I were out to supper one night. Cheep pasta Tuesday at a local pizza place, Huge servings which means leftover for lunch the next day. Since Friday was Halloween, the No Cook Friday group did not meet for supper. We waited until all the little hob goblins had been and gone, then we gathered at Teddy Bear's house for nachos and coffee. We did not call it a night until well after midnight.
I got ambitious late Thursday night and whipped up a double batch of these: Its my one chance each year to give my co-workers the finger, and they like it!!
These witch finger cookies are rather easy to make and they are really tasty. I have never brought any home after they make a trip to the office. So quick and easy to mix up in my wonderful Kitchenaid mixer. Not to mention a dream to bake in my new oven. No guessing the temperature, heaven!!
I had 26 little/big ones come to my door. I give them credit for braving the cold wind to gather treats. The cold weather and the fact that so few people on my street put on their lights and hand out candy does not make for loads of trick or treaters. I used to have doubts about the bigger kids but now I feel they have so short a time to be kids anymore, and those older ones could be doing worse things.
I did not bring out all the decorations but I got a few out to let them know this house had treats to give
I was so excited when the new people to the south of me put ghosts and bats in their tree. I thought I had like minded folk. The pot smokers to the north would participate but they have moved. My elation was for naught. While the new people decorated , they chose to keep their house dark. Aw well. I had fun and 26 brave little souls made out like bandits at my house.
I did not dig out the tombstones, the big black cat and the huge jack o'lantern but I will next year. Now I have the skeletons to hang up I think I have my Halloween decorations complete. I put a knitted pumpkin in the window. I have a fake one but the light is burned out so I made do
After I made sure there was no chocolate left in the house, that I had given it all away, I zipped off to pick up the Banker and head to Teddy Bear's. The Banker was back from a trip to the States, KitKat was just back from a trip to Ottawa, the Sailor went with her but she was not feeling well so only KitKat was there to tell trip tails. The Collector did not join us but Cupcake,and I rounded out the group. We had wine, (not coffee) and shared our weeks news, punctuated with a lot of laughs. Its a wonderful way to end the week, puts me back on track again.
Today I took the car to get some gas for it and then some breakfast for me. I was going to go get groceries but I just did not feel like it. I came home and sorted out the monster pile of laundry, and then got started on this
Its a commission job for Busy's niece. Pink is a favourite colour and so this number is perfectly perfectly pink. I am at the half way mark on the quilting. Once I sit down I get lost in the job and time flies by. So no grocery shopping, no soup making, not much of anything but quilting. My kind of day!!
I wanted to get working on it as I have some, no lets correct that, lots of craft project coming up. I got my official confirmation that I have a table at the big craft sale next year. Since I have no puppets on hand I need to create an inventory for the sale. Yes I have a year but I will need all that time. I have a commission job for two queen sized quilts and I have two queen sized donation quilts to make. I have some organizers and crocheted flower buttons to make for a fund raiser scrap booking weekend. Then I have my usual Christmas crafty stuff to do. I am tingly with the prospect of all this fun stuff to do.
This week I made this for a co-workers son. He wanted to go as a really big baby complete with bonnet. I was really pleased with how it turned out, considering I did not have a pattern and this sort of sewing is not my strong suit.
I also knit a toque and mitts for another co-workers son who was going as Cartman from Southpark. I forgot to take pictures of them but they turned out fine. Both boys were pleased with the results and that is all that really matters.
So that's the highlights of my week. I am still doing laundry and I really need to find something for supper. I am in no mood to cook and sadly SOMEBODY did not get groceries to day so pickin's are thin in the fridge. Hmmm can we all say scrambled eggs on toast??
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