Saturday, 29 November 2014

Random Saturday Ponderings

Winter is here, We got a dump of snow last night and the world looks like it has be sprinkled liberally with layers and layers of powdered sugar. My new neighours,whom I had my doubts about but now think wonderful,  shoveled my sidewalks for me, both front and back. I was totally shocked and grateful;. They are the quiet, keep to themselves sort, not even really saying hello when we pass. So the fact that he did all that shoveling for me was totally not expected. I think I see a Tim's gift card in someone's future. I have to say thank you somehow. He built a rink in their back yard and the two kids are having the best fun on it.

I have more to be grateful for. The Banker popped in this afternoon and helped me haul the Christmas things up from the basement. She saved me and my poor sore knee a multitude of trips. Now I can get the front of the house decked out for Christmas and I can take this week and get the rest of the house decorated.( I should be able to buy the last of the Nativity set this year, squeeee!!!) I am looking forward to getting the stuff out. I love Christmas. I may have mentioned that once or twice

Not sure what I will do now, if I finish the Nativity this year and I got the last of the Santas for the stairway last year, what the heck am I going to collect now?? I have looked high and low for a pig ornament but cannot find one anywhere. I may have to resort to making something. I thought Pier One would have some but no joy. My Pig tree still needs decorations!!

I will get a snow globe this year, Started that a few Christmas' ago and can carry on for a few yet. I  like to add to them. I also need to short through things and weed out some of the Christmas stuff I am really ready to get rid of. I have a lot of Christmas things. It is my favourite season after all. I did a purge last year and need to keep doing it.

Tonight I am supposed to be going to the show with Teddy Bear and a couple of ladies from my book club. I will go, but my heart wants to just stay home where its warm and I don't have to worry about slippery streets. My knee has been giving me the business this last week. I thought my knee cap was out of place. A trip to the local walk in, the doctor yanked, bent and twisted it for me and generally made it very sore, ex-rays taken and they decided I have osteoarthritis in it. Well my regular doctor told me that several years ago and gave me pills for the pain. The up side is the yanking and bending must have moved whatever was out of place back to where it belongs so I can walk about without feeling like I am being stabbed in the knee cap with every step. Legs are feeling rather stiff, which I blame on the weather and the knee is still tender but its well on it way top getting back to its normal pain level.

Groceries were purchased this morning and I made a quick tour around two charity shops. I found some buttons to make into flowers because I think I am going to make some to sell. I found an egg cup and two lovely Christmas plates. I also found a Partylite candle ring that will work to go with the bisque church and singers I found last year. The candle ring is a group of angels flying in a circle. I love finding things in charity shops, I am thinking now I have the right plates for my Christmas tree plate stand. A yard sale find a few years ago.

I need to go have a nap before the show, otherwise I will be snoring through the better part of it. Tomorrow I am going to sew quilt tops and knit away all the hours God sends. Maybe I will be back and I will have some pictures to share!!.


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